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Everything posted by hotshot2am

  1. I found this: https://support.musixmatch.com/article/137-musixmatch-is-missing-a-song-could-i-add-it So it's likely that they got their info from iTunes and it doesn't mean anything And the reason it was 1 day delayed is because they only import the data once per day.
  2. I don't know how major labels do music distribution so I don't know if it means anything
  3. Her team has just added A&W to Musixmatch https://www.musixmatch.com/lyrics/Lana-Del-Rey/A-W
  4. A&W = AW = AW&J = American Whore I guess American Whore is how Lana and Jack called the track while working on it, AW&J was the initial title before she renamed it, AW was a typo on the mockup and A&W is the final title.
  5. Watercolor Eyes released on midnight local time so someone used a New Zealand VPN and shared it early, maybe that's what you are remembering.
  6. From what I remember only snippets leaked but that was a year ago and maybe I'm misremembering
  7. That's usually because physicals copies get shipped early, this won't be the case for a digital release. And sometimes streaming services mess up and allow playing the song early but I don't think this has happened since NFR.
  8. They were demos and came from a different source so I don't count them as leaks from the finished album.
  9. I'm quite confident it won't leak, there hasn't been a single snippet leak this whole era. The people who have the album early seem to be careful this time.
  10. So far they have only uploaded the stereo and lossless version to Apple Music, Dolby Atmos seems missing.
  11. The release date in Apple Music was also false for Ocean Blvd (2022-12-02 instead of 2022-12-07) so A&W coming on the 16th isn't necessarily confirmed yet.
  12. Can confirm, now I also see it [{"type":"preorder","expectedReleaseDate":"2023-02-16"}]
  13. This is all the (publicly accessible) info the iTunes database has, they are adding a release date field at some point but it's not there yet. "wrapperType": "track", "kind": "song", "artistId": 464296584, "collectionId": 1655349115, "trackId": 1655349125, "artistName": "Lana Del Rey", "collectionName": "Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd", "trackName": "A&W", "collectionCensoredName": "Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd", "trackCensoredName": "A&W", "artistViewUrl": "https://music.apple.com/us/artist/lana-del-rey/464296584?uo=4", "collectionViewUrl": "https://music.apple.com/us/album/a-w/1655349115?i=1655349125&uo=4", "trackViewUrl": "https://music.apple.com/us/album/a-w/1655349115?i=1655349125&uo=4", "artworkUrl30": "https://is3-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Music113/v4/7c/c4/e5/7cc4e501-6b09-b379-bb54-a40de4615aa3/22UM1IM33313.rgb.jpg/30x30bb.jpg", "artworkUrl60": "https://is3-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Music113/v4/7c/c4/e5/7cc4e501-6b09-b379-bb54-a40de4615aa3/22UM1IM33313.rgb.jpg/60x60bb.jpg", "artworkUrl100": "https://is3-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Music113/v4/7c/c4/e5/7cc4e501-6b09-b379-bb54-a40de4615aa3/22UM1IM33313.rgb.jpg/100x100bb.jpg", "collectionExplicitness": "explicit", "trackExplicitness": "explicit", "discCount": 1, "discNumber": 1, "trackCount": 16, "trackNumber": 4, "trackTimeMillis": 433916, "country": "USA", "currency": "USD", "primaryGenreName": "Pop", "contentAdvisoryRating": "Explicit", "isStreamable": false
  14. I need some time, the way I get Apple Music data doesn't have a release date It only displays the exact duration in ms: "duration":433916, iTunes would display the release date but that's not updated yet. @111 has proper methods to get release dates that I don't have.
  15. Someone said "can't wait for the new music" and Lana replied "I'm excited". That's all we are getting on album info
  16. @Brightsun said she recorded the vocals in the studio Maybe the voice notes were initially used for a demo.
  17. Seems Drew was the main producer for Ocean Blvd (or at least he did the demo) and that song turned out perfectly Black Bathing Suit, IYLDWM are also really good. Arcadia and Violets For Roses are pretty but the orchestral elements are a bit too stripped back for my liking. Beautiful was simply rushed / unfinished.
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