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Everything posted by ChestFuckingRockwell

  1. I wish we'd pull everything from Israel but that will never happen. It doesn't matter who is president, they'll always get their money.
  2. Zelensky has been using the US as an ATM for his unwinnable war for too long. We have no business in this "USSR" stuff.
  3. When is she going to be a brunette again? I hate the blonde hair!
  4. Redemption. Being able to laugh at yourself is probably the rarest currency that exists. And she's one of the rarest artists I've ever had the pleasure to take audience to. But that's not for anyone but her to decide.
  5. I wasn't a fan when that took place, but I will say her performance wasn't any worse than the comedy itself. SNL has sucked since the early 90s. Will Ferrel was probably the only bright spot in there.
  6. Brooklyn baby vs Off to the Races
  7. The Jungle Book (DISNEY) at the movie theater. Those monkeys could swing! What's the first Lana song you ever heard?
  8. Trump is not anti abortion never has been. My only concern with him is bringing us militarily into Israel. Besides that, I think he's just what we need.
  9. Bar t t tender is the best song on NFR. I'm glad to see she's been performing it live.
  10. NFR was easily the best. There is just no competition.
  11. "Peppers" is the best song she ever wrote.
  12. I always considered Venice Bitch to be an homage to "Our House"... You're in the yard I'll light the fire. It instantly reminds me of that song.
  13. Awww that's a shame. I'd really like to hear that.
  14. She did Buckets of Rain? Where can I hear this?
  15. If And when she tours again.. is it fairly easy to get tickets in the US? I'm a fairly new fan so I don't really know. Also, the videos I've seen online seem to have a bunch of girls/ women singing at the concerts, kind of ruining the mood. Is it like that at most concerts? Would i be better staying home?
  16. Just curious... how accurate is your username? Just kidding... sort of
  17. Ahh I think I remember you. I lived in cantabria... Santander actually. What part of North Spain are you in? And are there any good tattoo places there?
  18. I don't know if you're from California, but you could get "Venice Bitch"
  19. I want to get "God Damn Manchild" on my thigh
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