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Everything posted by marryingkind

  1. Have anyone tried to shazam that snippet that may or may not be related to DYKTATUOB?
  2. Love the long titles. She has cornier titles love song
  3. The tunnel is a metaphor for my ass bc I know that this song is going to fuck me so hard that I’ll be HOSPITALIZED
  4. YES. lfl literally was my best friend back in 2017
  5. Do you guys think that we’re gonna have any MV recorded by her iphone?
  6. BoZ is saying that is great but idk if I trust his taste tbh 🫠 i mean, nothing against him, but he only talks about some pop artists that do the most bland thing ever… so i’m worried that this “variety” will turn into lfl 2.0 (not musically, but in it’s incongruity in some parts)
  7. I’d die to neil punch me in the face tbh
  8. Who do I have to suck to get the new album??
  9. My notif. popping more than my bussy right now
  10. I love you for this post and now you’re officially my mother
  11. After the gym i’m stronger than ever and I’m gonna fight for our well deserved album release TODAY
  12. If they dont release anything I’ll choke them with my thighs
  13. I’m stopping at the middle of every leg exercise to look at this thread
  14. I’m going to the gym now quote me if something is released love u all except for some (not foursome)
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