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Everything posted by AtomicMess

  1. AtomicMess


    I'm sorRY WHAT???
  2. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    No no, the blonde was good. It was just a bad wig.
  3. AtomicMess


    Yikes. There's a few layers to unpack here.......
  4. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Hmmmm. Wigs and characters. I've already said she's about to be in her FROOT era earlier. But now blonde wigs and characters? OMG CHARLIS GONNA BE IN HER ELECTRA HEART ERA.
  5. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Wait a minute guys I cracked the code. 360_brat. BRAT is the kind of diet you go on when you've got an upset stomach - Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast. 360 - circular, all around, all encompassing, back to the start For the sake of the shitpost, we're going to focus on Bananas and Apples(auce). These are fruits, which means.... SHE'S ENTERING HER TOTAL FROOT ERA.
  6. AtomicMess


    Her recent antics and dancing around actually releasing music are tiring. Also, it's coming out of the woodwork that a lot of parties she's been to, events she's been at, and tweets she's liked, are all tied to right wing propagandists and in some cases straight up nazis. Is she naive? Or does she know what she's doing? Who can say.
  7. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    tl;dr - pulling up on your block, got money, crashing the party It's giving topical soundcloud rapper.
  8. AtomicMess


    Yeah. I can't articulate anything I'm about to say quite right, so this is going to come out rough and I apologize to all, but I think she's just countercultural. Like super countercultural to a fault. This is from a very U.S-centric mindset, mind you all, but to me she's one of those "quirky" people who seems to have a need for a certain kind of energy/mindset/vibe in her life, and in my worldview horseshoe theory is right sometimes in terms of 'energy' that people carry and seek out - the most feverish pro-socialist tankies and the most feral bloodthirsty MAGA chuds, at the end of it - they're just looking for radical change that tears down the current establishment because they're mad at it for some reason (justified or not), they both have very binary views on how the world works and should work (very quick to "other" people/groups), and they both tend to collect people who sit on the fringes of society for one reason or another ("quirky" personalities who need to be the only one of their "kind" in a room, people with varying degrees of mental illness, people who aren't conventionally attractive or seen as valued by "the mainstream", etc. etc) Looking at where she started, and looking at where she's at now - it just feels like she's one of those "quirky outsiders" looking to belong to some kind of a movement or group, regardless of the ideals, where her voice and her opinions place her in a spot to be the "unique" one in the room. Like, she's always been about some sci-fi, aliens, physics, philosophy - stuff that's rooted in hard sciences or yet-to-be-proven scientific concepts and theories, but has been ran through the Human Imagination Complex (tm) to the nth degree because "art". She shacked up with Muskrat, and he is someone who has the wild out there ideas for humanity and what we are and where we could be. That matches up with all of her shit. And through Musk, she got exposed to him, and his cohorts, and that whole groups' edgy, quirky, "out there", counter-to-how-we-live-life-now ideals (because, as disgusting as they are, they do fit the bill for "challenge the norm"), and has taken them on. At some level, their shit matches this "breaking society" and "questioning reality" vibe she's on. Like, sure, she could be "break society" in terms of breaking monopolistic and oligarchical and patriarchal mindsets that would lead to equality, healthcare, education - or she could "break society" in terms of "genetically engineering the perfect human and starting a colony of superior beings on mars" (aka eugenics and humans thinking that because something exists, it's just theirs for the taking) In my head, if you were someone who was like, "omg lets take humanity to the farthest we can", somewhere in the discourse, you could either go "lets all lift humanity up, together, and move forward, together, to see how far we can all get as a society and culture" (the lefty approach), or you could get "engineer the best human ever" (aka the weird, eugenicist, probably ableist? approach) "and send them out into space because fuck yeah". Since she's all sci-fi and about some of that technofuritistic shit, it's kind of obvious where the brain is going to be on that take, and since it's a concept and a goal that is over and above SO many other people's heads and nowhere in the common sphere of what people are going through or doing in their daily lives, it gives her a boost in being a "different thinker" and places her in that "edgy quirky I'm-the-only-one-in-the-room-thinking-like-this-ooh-la-la" headspace. Not *excusing* any if it at all, btw, just trying to flesh out the "why tf she do it like that" aspects of her strange little brain. Does any of that make a single shred of sense or does it sound like I smoke crack?
  9. AtomicMess


    Love the announcement she's split from Columbia. Love that Reddit is just straight up dragging and dumping the scalding tea on all the associations and elbow bumping she's done over the years. Just what I needed to really take the W in Wednesday and put it in 'WTF'
  10. I want to become a flop star just to be professionally read to filth by you.
  11. AtomicMess

    Kim Petras

    Lord of the Rings except instead of the Two Trees of Valinor bathing the world in light, it's the Sky thread and the Kim thread bathing us in drama and messy takes.
  12. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Lanaboards ft. Charli XCX - "Thread" Released April 2023. (May 2023 there's a lawsuit filed by "Sky Ferreira Thread" alleging that it contributed to the web traffic writing credits and wants a cut of the profits.)
  13. AtomicMess

    Kim Petras

    So after being on here almost a year, I've started to make little notes in my head on other users that I like based on posts and mutual likes; and now I gotta say I knew I liked you for a reason. Happy to have this meaty throbbing bass in not compressed squelchy sad quality.
  14. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Honestly gives me very strong “The Prodigy” vibes. Specifically “always outnumbered never outgunned” or w/e that album was.
  15. AtomicMess


    I don’t wanna fucking hear her use the term “overton window” like she didn’t let one of the biggest fucking pushers of that window nut in her because he wooed her over Twitter with some pseudo-intellectual physics X philosophy bullshit. Her [insert-ism here] was shown to be performative and I will not be gaslit by someone who’s proven themselves able to be dickmatized and Stockholm syndrome’d to the billionaire class.
  16. AtomicMess


    https://www.forbes.com/sites/martineparis/2023/04/24/grimes-tells-fans-to-deepfake-drake-her-welcomes-collaboration-with-ai/ ………ok
  17. AtomicMess

    Kim Petras

    Omg love you. Will check when I’m home today. 😘
  18. AtomicMess

    Kim Petras

    Does anyone have the Je T'adore Remix in not compressed boo boo quality? (Also still trying to manifest OG/HQ copies of 'Choker', 'Reason Why', & 'Demolition')
  19. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    The Album 'Crash', by Charli XCX, when reading this comment, choked back tears and uttered this single statement: "....I'm Sorry if I Hurt You"
  20. AtomicMess


  21. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Yeah. Her feeling very much like it wasn't "hers" anymore and a sense of violation and anger and loss around it, to flipping to asking for stems on Twitter - that's a big 180 mentally. Often times I reflect on it and feel bad though; did she do a "Fuck it, we ball, lol" on it moment on her own? Or was it a "well, if you can't beat em, join em" vibe where fan interaction pushed her to it and it was just the path of least resistance? It's nowhere near the same caliber of a comparison at all, but I'm own little artist on the side, and I'm horrified and mortified when people look at things that I haven't finished yet. It being done over and over and over and over for artists who have material leak - I cannot imagine (and despite that, I still hunt and peck for leaks so, I guess I'm just a sociopath with no concern.) Plus, there has GOT to be label execs and managers sitting in a room somewhere going "FUCK" every time something slides out, because it runs the risk of their "product" becoming nonviable if someone steals the track, the lyrics, the instrumentals and registers a blatant ripoff/steal. Now there's legal headaches and fights to be had, and that becomes it's own PR problem. Or people hear it and have it, and that's streams and revenue lost. When I look at the massive Charli mega-playlist in my iTunes, it's over 560 songs. It's stunning, really. She's been in the business officially like what, 15 years? From '14' until now? There's artists who have been around twice as long, if not longer, who don't even have that many songs officially released, and even their leaks and demos don't tally up. I go hunting for leaks from my other faves, and it's like....scraps and gruel from them compared to a 5 course meal from Charli, who's leaks are in some cases, literally full polished albums (XCXWorld) available in lossless/studio masters. Like actually, what the fuck. lmao. Who else has that happening with them? (Dead serious; who else do we know of that has had this. many. finished*. songs. ?????) **and by finished, I mean instrumental is complete, the verses/bridge/chorus are complete, the song has been mastered to a ~reasonable quality level, and the leak is in a quality that we'd get from any online music store. There's no weirdly long instrumentals in the song where a second verse or prechorus would go, or the same verse is repeating a second time to fill the space, etc.
  22. We are. We're masochists every time we come to this thread. We're masochists every time we jump at the possibility of sky news. The fact that some people hold on to the pain of hope is, in some way, masochistic. The real masochism is the psyop that entails being a Sky Stan.
  23. It's the wildcard thread. Doing literally anything but talk about Sky just like Sky is doing literally anything but releasing music.
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