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Everything posted by PARADISEMOTEL

  1. I’m convinced because I like how the LA influence will probably make the song sound ❤️ no more oklahoma country mom vibes we’re back in the city
  2. Tbh yes. Agree. We’re winning and the song is going to clear our skin, cure world hunger etc
  3. It should have been There’s A Tunnel Under Ocean Boulevard … but I love the general feel of the title so I’m not upset.. at least the title isn’t “that coconut song”
  4. That’s what I fear too. With that goof with the literal album title and release I don’t know how long it’ll be before someone releases it for her
  5. So I’m thinking around noon tomorrow EST (LA time) but who knows… after 12 EST I’m staying GLUED to this site
  6. I’m scared I won’t get to get my preorder in early enough and all the cute vinyl colors will be gone
  7. I sure hope… I want to be a Friday album release girlie …the title is …
  8. THANK YOU!! I hadn’t seen a screenshot and didn’t know what to believe
  9. PLEASE!! that is such a cute idea.. and because of the logo it would be so cute for her so made a transparent canary yellow vinyl with real hot pink, purple, and blue flowers in it… I love ur mind
  10. Once again the greatest the greatest the greatest
  11. She just keyspammed after BB and decided to make titles then songs with whatever the acronyms made
  12. Literally. I was listening to the shitty yt version before I realized iTunes had it. And the stupid target versions only having it… if she’s going to release a deluxe I think all the deluxe songs should be on it (black beauty, guns and roses, Florida kilos, is this happiness) instead of fractioned half target vinyl and half iTunes exclusive
  13. For real. Apparently the title of the album and the release date leaked. ALLEGEDLY the album is “Did You Know There’s A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd” and it releases March 10th but I refuse to believe
  14. I think our official abbreviation should be Ocean Boulevard… that’s what I’m calling it and without the “did you know” the title would slay
  15. Suspicions aside I hope March 10th isn’t the release date.. thats gonna feel insanely far away even though it would be a birthday present for me (and some of us). I think the logo is super cute and I hope this is the more mature, drum-infused mash of HM, AKA, and NFR (think the Greatest, MAC) although I’m not sure what to expect.
  16. Good news! She removed “did you know” and the title is now “There’s A Tunnel Under Ocean Boulevard”
  17. https://scontent-ord5-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/120183826_3636156209775960_7474724435413604853_n.jpg?stp=cp0_dst-jpg_e15_fr_q65&_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=V1velQvgaGIAX8alKOJ&_nc_ht=scontent-ord5-2.xx&oh=00_AfA5VrrgAkFKuJqi9EM6_ptq7bkTfULMsx2FMg3J9Jxz4g&oe=63B6C682 sorry it’s a Facebook link but it’s the cleanest full pic I could find
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