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Everything posted by PARADISEMOTEL

  1. Babe why do I unironically like this? We need to put you in charge of Lana’s album design. Also the font looks really good when it’s bigger and not just small in the corner
  2. Holy shit I finally saw the logo y’all were talking about and … we won. Lizzy Grant surf rock and honeymoon baby incoming .. Rahab’s sister is here
  3. You’re right and you should say it. I agree about the pandemic things, because we were still (and still are to a degree) coming out of lockdowns and I hope she does deliver brand new with this one
  4. Yessss. same. I like “TATUOB” But the “did you know” is just…
  5. I’m gonna be cautious and say no. Let’s hope she proves me wrong
  6. I really want a dark smoky/opaque navy with silver and baby blue veins
  7. You’re so right. The tags….absolute worst I’ll just take a drought over the damn tags
  8. Right it’s like quicksand you get behind and then you can’t ever catch up
  9. With her saying BB is “where she’s been, where she’s at, and where she’s going” playing catch up with her life I genuinely hope the theory about LDRX being a clean slate is correct
  10. Exactly I want something completely different from the last two albums. Although BB has grown on me I don’t know if I can stand more p*ano
  11. Dark City at 1500 I know we can do it
  12. Fr. By the off chance someone has something real I don’t want any taste of this album. I want it to be a complete surprise so I can have a lil listening party by myself at 3AM they’re probably all attention seeking fake anyway
  13. I really don’t trust leaks… you’re probably right A lot of these “leaks” and “snippets” are just AI generated or GarageBand Lana imitators
  14. For real. No point in even trying until we get words from Lana’s mouth. I’m choosing not to believe anything unless concrete evidence, even tho a new song would make me do gymnastics or something
  15. Apparently a single is coming Friday, allegedly, from BOZ or some insider. Idk if I believe it but we’re 2 days from her announcement either way it’s a win
  16. Fr I don’t wanna get my hopes up on something that’s not gonna happen but I’ll be delulu for now
  17. For real I get some time to check my phone and there’s like 30 new pages…thought she spoke early for a second
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