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Everything posted by PARADISEMOTEL

  1. For real. Every version of it is kind of stale and it’s probs better unreleased
  2. Right. I want to go into this new era blown away by the album because I know nothing about what it sounds like. (I don’t even remember what rockafella sounds like). I can wait if it means it’s genuinely her magnum opus like we’ve been saying
  3. Same. Everyone hoping not because it would take away from her sales…she has so many fans now it’s crazy. She has a fan base of loyal (and insane) people who would buy anything she threw at them. I just want something whenever she’s ready but also as soon as she’s ready.
  4. I agree I REALLY hope the second snippet is recent, but I also don’t because I didn’t want to listen to anything from the theft. Either way the second snippet needs to happen.
  5. Don’t even. For real. I love her and obvi I’ll support her (I bought Chemtrails vinyl even though I’ve played it maybe twice) but god I know she can do something fresh. I’m in agreeance with most of her fans in thinking that a third piano album would be worst case scenario. Even if it’s “good” I don’t know how many ballad albums I’ll be able to take. Of course, I disagree with people who are begging for UV 2.0 because her mind wasn’t in a good place for that and I think she deserves nothing but happiness, but variety would do wonders. I hope she does reintroduce guitars and big strings and, Lord, we need some drums but we won’t truly know until we have an album we can press play on.
  6. No offense but I hate tiktok. I do agree though if a vinyl preorder drops I’m fully ready to wipe my savings for it.
  7. The wait is going to kill me. Even worse than not knowing anything is knowing we now have to wait for SOMETHING
  8. Okay but wtf do these words mean together…. “Take mind” 😭😭
  9. face of the woman who's going to absolutely destroy the lgbt community on december 7th
  10. Literally. I was screaming into the void on tumblr about a damn black page on a website
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