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Everything posted by mssainttropez

  1. Waiting for let me fuck you hard in the pouring rain
  2. So the real question is, is she going to do PMIAM…
  3. Can someone give me the link I thought I had it saved
  4. I’m about to watch the livestream, I’ve been driving around all day so I can finally sit down and watch
  5. Literally same, like I’m SO excited and it feels as if I’m there even though I’m miles away
  6. Just imagine her pulling out her vape at 1:30
  7. I’m literally so excited and I’m not even attending. One of my Instagram mutuals had barricade along with so many other staples in the fandom (@Burthdaykake being one of them). I can’t wait until I see her in August
  8. Don’t get me wrong, I completely understand why she’s not doing any songs off of COCC or BB but she has some career highlights off of both. I’ve seen on Instagram and Twitter so many people being happy about no COCC or BB but it’s disappointing to me. Dealer live would’ve broken Brazil. Again, I understand why, they aren’t super popular and I don’t think Lana realizes her hardcore fans love them so to her they’re not fan-favorites (which they’ve only been around for a few years so I understand). I’ve never seen Lana live so I’m sad that OTTR won’t be played, but I do get it. I really hope she’ll do BTD though. I’ll be upset if she doesn’t do Peppers and/or Taco Truck x VB because those would be so fitting to perform at a festival- especially in front of her fans. Additionally Taco Truck will incorporate Venice Bitch so we get a little bit of it, a different version and not at its full length.
  9. Here are some parallels between her own work and other people from Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/p/CsEx45hoGgJ/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqy4qNVI7Sj/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/p/CqMbcdpOjzP/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/p/CsEoKYHO9Li/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/p/CsE6fW5OL_-/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/p/CsFZUE_Jicn/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/p/CsFRh4yOZ-u/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  10. This right here Lots of you guys are acting like Taylor forced her not to sing and they collab was fully money based. They’re both incredibly sweet, Lana probably didn’t want to sing a full verse and Taylor didn’t want to argue with her- having her at all is amazing (Lana also helped write it). I feel like we all know Lana doesn’t love the spotlight and she’s modest. I don’t get why this is sparking SO many comments about Taylor in a negative way (bring it into another thread lol). Taylor literally listened to us and they’re going out of their way to create a whole new version. This is just another win for us ♡
  11. As someone who is both a fan of Taylor and Lana, I hated the fact that lots of Lana stans automatically blamed Taylor for the fact that Lana didn’t have a main part. I’m sure you can find posts somewhere on LB about me saying Lana probably chose to not sing and that was the case ! I’m so excited that the misunderstanding got cleared up and we’ll have another version with more of Lana <3
  12. Just sneak BTD in there and we’re good to go
  13. My guess is she’s going to have cute, flowy dresses. Casual but summery. I can’t wait <33
  14. I just checked and I don’t see it ?? Did she unlike it or am I just on the wrong post or something
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