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Everything posted by mssainttropez

  1. I think it’s interesting how she mentions being 33 in a few of her songs, A&W included. It makes me wonder what happened when she was 33, it had to have been impactful.
  2. The way my memory sucks ass, so the only things I remember from the leaked songs I listened to was how I felt. This is seriously all I remember:
  3. Yes and no. In regards to older stuff, she acknowledges it was wrong. In the case of the Ride music video, she donated 35k to Navajo Nation. This doesn’t excuse her actions, but she was ignorant to the meaning behind wearing a Native American headdress, and she knows now it wasn’t okay. With things like QFTC and Morgan Wallen, it seems insensitive and like she didn’t have racist intentions behind what she said. Regardless, what she said was said. Honestly if people are going to accuse her of being racist, so be it, it’ll be easier for me to get tickets
  4. New rank unlocked Now.. what to choose out of that wide selection because they’re all so me Edit: I decided on my new member title, spoiler lyrics though
  5. I’m nervous for tickets if she tours. The only good thing coming out of her team not promoting is the possibility the ticket demand won’t be as high as it would be with promo. Either way, this album is going to hit and people are going to want to see the queen.
  6. The way I was typing it as the off topic warning post was posted Anyways, stream Did you know there’s a tunnel under ocean blvd
  7. The way Melanie has little content out in comparison to Lana, but her promo is SERVING. They sent a snippet to a fan’s house in a really cute way. Lana’s promo team better take notes
  8. Not y’all still messing around with that website, be safe when opening stuff. I didn’t even use that website to listen to The Grants, Sweet, and Fingertips (which is so funny because the leaker called me out for using the site for those tracks when I didn’t). Once again, be cautious with what you’re opening and downloading
  9. If this album’s release date doesn’t move up, I’m going to become even more feral
  10. I never thought of the fact that they could’ve been neighbors, but that’s such a good theory that seems plausible
  11. Is this for the UK ? I bought from the US and I don’t have an email
  12. you turned me on and brought color into my life
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