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Everything posted by mssainttropez

  1. To add on, her original intention behind creating music wasn’t so much for fame as it was for her.
  2. The reason why there’s no one quite like her is because she writes what she wants to write. It evolves over time, and it’s just not for you anymore which is okay
  3. She doesn’t care much about her music from a business standpoint anymore. She’s just doing what she wants to and is happy doing so. I get she might make some fans upset by this, but she’s thriving more than ever
  4. I feel like you’re calling out Marina, but I’ll let it slide because I agree with what you’re saying about Lana
  5. NFR is lower tier for me as well in comparison to her other albums. My least favorite would probably be LFL. I love and appreciate all of her albums though. It pains me to do rankings because what I place in the lower tiers makes it seem like it’s bad when really it’s not, it’s just not my favorite.
  6. In my opinion, none of her albums sound the same. Some albums have similarities to another, but the sound produced is different. DYKTATUOB seems experimental and has a wide range of sounds, but produces a totally unique one together.
  7. Come As You Are would be so iconic, especially for the AKA stans (aka me).
  8. This right here is so important when discussing really any issue, but it should definitely be applies to Lana’s lyrics that are being discussed
  9. When I tell you I am POOR after buying merch. The card I used had $11 afterwards
  10. This is iconic ! Just think about how much more content she has yet to put out. She might have already teased it, but it’s gone over our heads. Crazyy
  11. That’s ideal, I did the same except I also listened to Fingertips. Fingertips makes it not in order, but it was good quality and one of the earlier leaked tracks. I held my ground for about 20 minutes after the first leak was announced here and then I caved However, that was more than enough to tide me over so I’m waiting. I’m occasionally looking at other’s opinions and insights regarding the other tracks I haven’t heard yet Plus my memory is terrible so most things just go over my head.
  12. You see, I personally just wouldn’t be able to listen to that. I started Grandfather and 10 seconds in, I shut it off because of the tags (and they weren’t even that excessive compare to what I’ve heard about the other tagged tracks). It truly just takes the magic away from the album :/
  13. I just know Candy Necklace will be the Bartender of this album. My girl will come through and we will worship her
  14. I’ve listened to The Grants, Sweet, and Fingertips. I don’t plan on listening to any other leaks or snippets. I don’t want to give the leaker any more fuel than they already have, and it takes away from the album experience. Once they’re out, it’s out so there’s nothing super wrong about listening in my opinion. Anyways, I hope the leaker gets caught
  15. Y’all I’m literally so sorry The leaker knew someone was going to share that here and I was that bitch who was unaware and did it
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