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For K

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Everything posted by For K

  1. No offense to Eclipse but he would absolutely claim responsibility if this was the case
  2. Jerry told me that... he bit me but it felt like a kiss Jerry took me back... reminded me of when we were fish
  3. After the monotony and slow periods during the Pre-Pre-Release thread I'm happy we at least have something to talk about. We really did used to pray for times like this
  4. This should of went on that LDR Village cigarette pack t-shirt
  5. Please take this back. We're about to get flooded with feet pics
  6. Don't worry there are some users have completely impersonated members of Lana's team and received unreleased files and still haven't been behind bars.
  7. Time to log onto ATRL again I swear that website's code is being held together with duck tape and prayers
  8. I'm flattered but don't worry I would never actually send this. I always have this paranoia that Lana's team has eyes on this forum
  9. https://www.aha-music.com/154747a335d54d7ba17425bcfe4a0eb5 (From @Kintsugi ) Me trying to control aha music with my mind to unveil the full tracklist with this link Is there absolutely ANYTHING more we can do with this besides just typing in random letter/number combinations in the URL? @hotshot2am
  10. I know this was discussed a few weeks ago but there is indeed a big date in January that could be it “Last weekend” (I’m assuming) would mean Sean got married the weekend of January 15th-16th. If she continues the Sean drag session this could be the dates for some upcoming news or even the second single
  11. Listen after the triple release picsart incident I am just thankful it was a beautiful single cover art we got and that she allowed us some time to digest the title track by itself. Although I'm getting hungry again now.....
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