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For K

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Everything posted by For K

  1. Official livestream on thank Christ we’re saved
  2. All the Instagram lives tanked…. Our own burning of Alexandria
  4. Ben needs to upgrade his international wireless plan
  5. Vocals are giving what they need to give, just wish I didn’t hear all the twinks in the audience
  6. Does anybody have the link for the official stream for when it goes live soon?
  7. Wait the black tarp are we going to get outfit changes???
  8. ~A credit card with an unlimited spending limit I never have to pay off ~ A decent boyfriend ~ Exactly one pack of mango juul pods from 2017, 5%.
  9. I believe that spoken line is actually from another song if the post I saw about it is correct. So it likely got copyright striked? I'll add it to this message when/if I find it.
  10. I’m hoping that the US store (and all the stores for all the other lipsters) starts getting some more stuff shipped out sooner rather than later, or at least an updated email with shipping estimates. I have a few things that should’ve shipped by now (even with the delay email postponement ) and it’s been radio silence. I even selected split shipping knowing that one or two items might cause my entire order to get delayed
  11. Not to mention nobody here can drive so the parking situation is going to be a disaster
  12. Omg literally only an hour away from me and the tickets are decently priced. Not to mention Ethel and boy genius the same day. I’m going to try and get pre sale I honestly thought the DMV was going to be left out this time around
  13. Not them being sneaky and increasing the ringer tee prices from $40 to $42 all of a sudden
  14. The one thing about LDR village, at least you already know that your package will be arriving months after ordering
  15. the stream went haywire towards the end of the show with glitching and audio issues. We didn’t hear Olivia’s intro or the short clip
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