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Everything posted by Blossom

  1. knowing her it'll be posted one hour after release
  2. am I the only one who didn't find it THAT crazy?? It just seemed like she had rly extreme ADHD lol
  3. in my heart I feel its a perfect mix of both... I don't think it'll be as instrumental as Venice Bitch but I could be totally wrong. Considering her recent work, I presume it'll be very lyric heavy.
  4. For the sake of LB and Elle... it better come out Tues or things will get even uglier
  5. no but can u imagine the collapse if she doesn't release anything Tues? I'll have to log off
  6. yup. I find her music boring but I want to like her so badly also Marina
  7. have you tried You're Lost Little Girl, Blue Sunday, Queen of the Highway, or The Crystal Ship? I feel like u might like those! (unless you've heard those already and didn't like them, ofc)
  8. I know but that was a few days ago, I think that user was wondering if the date has changed since then. although, you're right, I think it's safe to say that its still coming 2/14 if he didn't say differently.
  9. the fact that Rob is releasing an album killllls me but I think that post was for Ocean Blvd Louise is gonna be shook when she wakes up from her afternoon nap
  10. her new insta story? I just knowww that glam means smt she looks so good
  11. and we're gonna stream tf out of it, that sweet man deserves it! I don't even care if its bad bc its so cute
  12. well lets be clear, they didn't say specifically that it was Lana's cover coming out on 2/14
  13. is Neil Krug shooting the cover? ugh I have so many questions ab this
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