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Everything posted by Blossom

  1. nah these aren't the locals, these r the straight up deranged perverts. sorry.
  2. maybe its a fitting for the Brazil shows and thats what she's trying to show? or she's just a messy queen
  3. I have questions ab this one
  4. NO she actually posted but it was just ab Brazil deleted bc I realized it was off topic in this thread lol
  5. ya I think they'll want to capitalize on the hype around the oceanblvd account so she'll do smt soon
  6. no pls no we were so close to having an exciting day w no fighting !!
  7. guys they wouldn't have been removing ppl at first if it was her old account
  8. 2 interscope girls were following it before it blew up so chances are its her
  9. I cant believe that @ oceanblvd is going to reach 100k today and she didn't even post about it
  10. theres some sort of special thing going on in space on Wednesday at 1pm EST and its supposed to be good for manifesting lol so I can see Lana picking that day
  11. idk bc they were removing us like 20 mins ago so they dont want us in yet
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