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Everything posted by Blossom

  1. elle is actually going to pass away when she has to sort through these recent posts
  2. @Fever wait, I actually think I understand what u meant. just saw ur original post ab it. So u mean that Taco truck is gonna be liberating like the Japanese woman in her vagina canoe? And u don't mean that taco truck is gonna be about the woman in her vagina canoe? I think I almost understand
  3. shit im gonna logout now. im so dumb. bye gonna go listen to summertime sadness remix
  4. okay I just have one question: I understand and respect the vagina canoe - I think its great - but what in gods name connects it to the album or Lana?
  5. this gave me a brain aneurysm. Japanese woman? 3d canoe art of a vaginal scan? WHAT THE FUCK
  6. I could see maybe 2-3 canadian shows in van, mtl, to but maybe im just trying to manifest
  7. I think its overused, but for Lana its the only appropriate title like she exudes motherly energy
  8. the only thing that makes me think it might be real is bc they haven't deleted the post after lana commented... if it was fake they'd probably be scared they'd get sued. However, they might not realize that Honeymoon is Lana bc its not a verified account and its not her name.
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