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Everything posted by Blossom

  1. after this shade, I'm coming over to ur house and pouring out all of ur fragrances b****
  2. Blossom


    @Fingertips was apparently the OG piano hater and now the biggest defender?
  3. Blossom


    omg you've changed sm
  4. I have (likely misguided) faith that Pitchfork might actually review the album well
  5. Honestly Louise, your review of the album is the only one I care about. Please make sure to tag me when you post your thoughts!
  6. understandable! It isn't necessarily ab the lyrics, but more about the haunting, elegant sound
  7. ngl the first thing I thought after listening to the track was that it sounds like how I would imagine a F. Scott Fitzgerald book to sound so in my opinion, this description actually checks out (for once)
  8. guys lets be fr... the only review that really matters is Pitchfork's, so lets calmmm down
  9. but the quality is pretty good... I hope ur right though bc I love the leaked version
  10. the strangest thing: the snippet lana posted of CN is recognized by AHA but the leaked, full version isn't??
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