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one time beauty queen

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Everything posted by one time beauty queen

  1. "I seen a lot of women but she never escaped my mind & I just grew tangled up in blue" (on vinyl)
  2. honestly just regular text messaging/whatsapp snfhsjds tbf i only rly talk 2 my bf, like 3 close friends & my family regularly so social media is generally rly useless 2 me in that sense. maybe it's a cultural thing tho !
  3. idk where exactly yet but it will prob def go into my top 3 joining bb & cocc , dethroning the lovely honeymoon(still forever in my heart💕💗💕)
  4. hm. i'm not saying YTH is a horrible song on it's own by any means but compared to everything else in Lana's back catalogue, it's mid at best for me but sure, maybe it's been reworked (again lol) & thematically it at least matches up quite well with The Grants, i guess that's fair if this is indeed for some sort of surprise double release. It's just still not clicking for me why BoZ would dam near have a stroke over it? which is why I'm still gonna assume the surprise is something else, for now. time will tell, regardless everyone has something to be happy for- 3rd single on tuesday & full album in exactly 2 weeks.
  5. Say NO to yes for heaven...say NO for me why TF would boz think we'd be *thaaaat* excited over a song most of us have had saved to our libraries for years now lmaoi don't think this is the surprise, but if it is congrats to tiktok i guess? don't get me wrong, an artist officially putting out unreleased material is nice & all just...not that nice LOL
  6. i ordered mine from there back in December but the status hasn’t changed, like it hasn’t been shipped or anything. i’m p sure they’re actually aware of the 2 week delay, they just never bothered to change it on the website for whatever reason
  7. it's lovely, don't get me wrong- i just think it will&can be best be appreciated with the album in full.
  8. I really thought Sweet would be the "obvious" choice of the two songs left on Side A for a single, as it bridges the gap btwn Ocean Blvd n A&W... but hmmm The Grants. I do love it too & if it's what Lana wants whatever, she does often release the opener as a single, doesn't she
  9. he must be lying when he says not one (1) single person guessed it because if he is serious n means that, it rules out pretty much everything rational (album trailer, music video, tour, oceanblvd insta debut etc etc.) right after he told us “come back down to earth” ?? Lol i’m just gonna forget about it at this point and let myself be surprised next week
  10. if Lana is staying on theme w dropping Sean-aimed singles, i agree the next one could be Sweet. the track that bridges the gap between Ocean Blvd & A&W n starts with however if she got the Sean stuff out of her system it could be dam near anything. i don’t care at this point, i just want her to do something
  11. oh shit THANK YOU MODS i’m so sorry i doubted, would b cool if there was a feat where we get a noti/reply to our reports but i also get that might be too much work ANYWAYS, GOD BLESS LANABOARDS & ALL THE BEAUTIFUL WOMEN IN IT
  12. i did report it tbf but it’s all good i mean i’m not truly thaaat pressed over it anymore, was more just adding to Vertimus’ point that some people rly don’t understand subjectivity in music taste& can take it a bit far for no reason Thank u tho 💕💕💕
  13. right & what were they defending her from in my case? me saying i LIKED 3 of her songs more than another one of hers??? BFFR
  14. real. i got told to get lobotomised bc i said i enjoy fingertips, sweet & the grants all more than A&W .......very, very strange energy on this website also wondering why the mods didnt give his ass a warning point but i guess its okay to be sexist towards women for airing independent thought & opinion on here
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