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Everything posted by terrenceszyou

  1. WAAAAAAIT: If we all pull it together and keep that energy going, American Whore could definitely be released tomorrow.
  2. Lana is already very famous for bringing the guest's style to her album more than making him adapt to hers, which could risk the final cohesion of the work, so, for that reason, I have my fears. But, like you, I also hope it surprises positively. So sorry. You're right, let's wait and see.
  3. No hate but we definitely didn't need it. I'm with BOZ on this one: Jack is very talented, but his style and voice are so...
  4. God in heaven, stay strong. The music is AWESOME and will be amazing to hear on the full album. Sending positive energies.
  5. This was definitely the best tea. So I'm super excited too. I imagine the transitions between some tracks like Freak to Art Deco or Burn Norton to Religion. And also tracks that tell a story in chronology.
  6. I grew to love the Chemtrails cover because it look spontaneous. She also took another one in a group with her family on the shoot, but it doesn't give me the same feeling. I prefer it as it is. But there's the one on Ocean Blvd that I found very strange at first. The tags are beautiful, but it looks like one of Lana's countless Instagram selfies.
  7. I manifest in the long tracks like Fingertips big noises from Lana's instruments and voice. There's no way to spend 7 minutes on the piano. See Did You Know (...): given 10 seconds more, she'd scream "I don't wanna live" again.
  8. Oh shit, in kpop they simply give a map to follow the whole promotion scheme. That would definitely lessen my anxiety. Like this: Lana is very unpredictable. She can fill the month of February with Single, MV, interview, TV shows or simply show up on March 10th, release the album, post it on Instagram and say "thanks Neil". It's killing me sofly aggressively
  9. I feel like it's going to be like NFR in the sense of being very diverse and for all tastes. There were the poetic piano tracks, but also the bops, all well articulated so the whole experience didn't become boring. On NFR, even giving Christmas beats and bells so How To Disappear doesn't sound like one more ballad next to the others, she did.
  10. Yesterday a fan commented that he hopes Lana's album flops so only the fan base can enjoy it, and it's not the first time I've seen someone go in that "only I like Lana" direction. I am not a chart stan, but I believe that Lana deserves all the recognition in the world, and I am happy, yes, with viral sped up (wathever) on social networks because it can promote her to new audiences and new generations. We know charts are never going to drive Lana's career, but like, is it so horrible to just talk about it?
  11. Sorry for being like that, lol. I needed to talk about tiktok. I'm loving what he's doing with Lana's career.
  12. The part about having experimental tracks is because Tiktok is hungry for Lana tracks to go viral, and I think she's going to deliver. Even Sweet Carolina, because of the lyrics, went viral, imagine tracks like "American Whore". I already see little kids showing their eyeliner and making faces like Eilish. And let's not pretend this isn't positive.
  13. This definition is great. I feel it too. This CD is going to be a lot like NFR in the sense of having tracks with very different vibes.
  14. Miley is popular and the album and singles are going to make her buzz. But it's wrong to put it as if it were going to overlap Lana's album, as I've seen comments. Lana will have her audience, especially since I know we're going to have controversial lyrics.
  15. When you put it like that, I already see Lana as a grandma, while Lanaboards becomes a den of old and homesick gays, living on "remember when"
  16. I literally call it "Did You Know" because it's the beginning of the sentence and I get uncomfortable abbreviating only the end or calling it "Tunnel", as I've seen it too, lol. But I understand your perspective. I don't know if it's common around the world, but in Brazil they abbreviate Ultraviolence to just "Ultra" sometimes. Honeymoon for "Honey", Lust for Life for "Lust", so it goes. But it has a really cute abbreviation too: Blue Banisters for "BB", which sounds like "bê-bê" (baby, in portuguese).
  17. I don't know about you, but I manifest controversies because of the compositions. I envision moments like "Kanye West is blonde and gone" and others that directly name people she wants to name.
  18. American whore, definitely. Reasons: it's not so long that I need to abbreviate it (and it sounds good). Now, what about the title track? It is incredible that we have not yet reached a consensus on the abbreviation. Looks like we're going to call it "the title track" anyway. I feel like I'm the only one calling it "Did You Know (...)".
  19. Speaking of the tracklist (), I remembered when BB was announced and the tracklist was so easily revealed on Lana's website for pre-order. Do you remember your reaction? I remember everyone talking about the unreleaseds listed, etc. Moments. And I remember my annoyance with few new songs, but anyway.
  20. She has been very strong. Every artist somehow earns his pocket change from fame, but what he did with it was always very delicate. I, as a person, feel awful when I'm judged negatively, and it's extremely exhausting (and unfair) to have to prove we're not who we're told we are.
  21. I understand your point of view, it really gets tiring. But it's not like Lana was just criticized for her performance on SNL and that was it. She was criticized a while ago for a mask used in a clip, placements on Instagram, scandal of alleged racism, etc. In the Lust for life era, things were better, but it's amazing how everything got worse to the point where she deleted social media. I know it was very difficult for Lana to work through all this before and it is now again. Let's allow her to talk about it. I believe she still has a lot to talk about - and deserves it.
  22. For me, this album can be like Honeymoon, without a video for the title track (it even had one, but since it disappeared, it's like it didn't exist). Did You Know (...) is a beautiful song, but I can't imagine a great video for it. It is extremely confessional and words alone are enough. If Lana were to look for some image resource, it might even take away the magic of listening and imagining. Plus it would be just plain basic if she just recorded herself in her room singing or extremely predictable if there were takes in the tunnel.
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