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Thats why they call me Dita

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Everything posted by Thats why they call me Dita

  1. I always thought people took what she said and ran about the tour, to me she was referencing her festival run and she tried to backtrack straight away after she said it
  2. For the bank holiday.. what’s up her sleeve
  3. I think all her records age well because they tend not to be in line with the current trend in music.. so you don’t associate them with that tired timeframe lasso has a huge risk of not aging well for that very reason “everyone is going country”.. hopefully it stands out on its own and we don’t think back on it in years to come as that cheesy country period everyone went through in 2024 lol
  4. Extended version of l’amour??? I need to listen once kids are in bed.. could’ve listened on my way home from work had I realised!! it’s my favourite track on the album I think, excited to hear it
  5. Cool thanks I’ll check those out! I didn’t even realise he had his own music either! I live under a rock though haha!
  6. I’m more on the side of no because fin (can’t spell his name) said it was an artist he knew.. whereas Billie knows Lana on another note, are there any other artists he’s produced for? I’m curious as to what it sounds like when not Billie
  7. Only song I don’t really like is birds of a a feather, it’s feels kinda cringe, but I love the rest of the album
  8. Ngl I’m overly sensitive and I was offended lol
  9. She looks baked, those are deffo tears of laughter lol
  10. I don’t think it’s patty but do agree robs insta post with the cropped pic is weird, who is that lol
  11. This is actually so good lol, I agree it’s kinda the sound that I’ve been wishing for, like my brief from day 1 is that I want it to sound like a Tarantino soundtrack
  12. I agree, I think they are 2 very different artists, their vocal styles and production and instrumental choices are worlds apart to me.. however, my husband got in the car when the back end of the album was playing and said it just sounded so much like Lana? I think it’s just the vibes the music give, like maybe the way their music makes you feel? When I said the melody of bittersuite/blue reminded me of Lana’s sugary sweet snippet I wasn’t suggesting it was a cut and paste copy, I just meant I heard that song and it made me think of that song people also tried to to suggest that Taylor’s album sounded like Lana too but I listened and I didn’t pick out a single song that reminded me of Lana.. I think sometimes 2 big female artists are constantly compared
  13. I’m not a Billie avid listener sorry lol
  14. Does anybody else thing the melody at the end of bittersuite actually sounds like sugary sweet snippet melody?
  15. So I’m really happy the motorbikes and stage design has stayed and I love the different intros for each show and that without you seems to be staying for this festival run.. means I should get to see all this later in the year however.. the fact she didn’t play hope last year at the show I saw her and now Hope seems to be cut again I hope it’s a one off because I really need to see her perform that
  16. She’s so real for that.. I literally do this, if I like it I just get it in all the different colour ways
  17. Was that simple man intro? I love that song, I used to play it non stop when I was pregnant with my son lol I was feeling it
  18. Lunch literally makes me question my sexuality lol
  19. Crazy thought, but imagine if we’re getting psycho lifeguard if there are lifeguards in her show
  20. Maybe she got angry and ditched him after leaking the music vid announcement
  21. She needs to stop feeding it, you see people now in her insta comments saying mean and hurtful things in response to top comments just for attention.. and it works, because no better way to get a Lana reaction than saying something bad about her! as a Lana fan page it wasn’t a smart move as it’s very evident that Lana hates the “rich family, privileged upbringing” narrative
  22. So gonna post some pics below.. I also noticed she’d used the blue butterfly emoji like quavo Then the pics below are the goats etc.. even the same goat Or was this common knowledge and I’m late to the party lol You’ve just answered my question!! I thought I’d made a link lol ffs
  23. I know this may be unrelated, but sveta posted pics in Georgia on 23rd feb which looked similar to the goats/ house in Georgia and it reminded me of the goats and house quavo posted considering the PSB link are we on to something here lol
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