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Thats why they call me Dita

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Everything posted by Thats why they call me Dita

  1. The more I look at it the more I like it.. and I’m justifying it by lying to myself that they might’ve put a bonus track on hahahaha
  2. I wish I didn’t collect all the variants ffs, she really going overboard now and I’m still gonna buy it so fool on me
  3. My vinyl arrived yesterday and it sounded even better, the bass! I was actually so miffed that they missed off spaghetti and ya ya! Honestly this album is something else!
  4. Actually yes I did receive a confirmation, silly me! But silence since.. also UK.. but I’d seen others had received their stuff in uk last week so I dunno what’s going on
  5. I didn’t either and I also haven’t received anything yet so
  6. But imagine if she did put her original “country” versions of video games and ride on the record
  7. This is so so cool and I’m so happy for you! it would be so hard to think of questions! I think I’d want to lean in to some deep philosophical stuff but you never know how she’ll take it! definitely some hype for her upcoming work and maybe ask about whether aka will see the light of day after she revived Lizzy with those festival aesthetics!
  8. Well it’s Tuesday tomorrow.. let’s hope she continues with the ob trend and gives us something
  9. All of the above!! I didn’t listen to act I but after hearing this maybe I should!
  10. I always think Lana’s music would fit right in on a Quentin Tarantino soundtrack
  11. I think I mean in a way that her music is hyper feminine, romantic and some times submissive, and I feel that the coquette aesthetic means that way too but yeah I think her aesthetic isn’t coquette at all and she’s owning it now, but she’s always have sweet vintage elements throughout her career
  12. It’s just cos her music feels like coquette looks
  13. Literally same, I was completely obsessed with it when it first came out and it felt like time to revisit!
  14. Also, I’ve been fully immersed in fallout 4 again lately, and hearing pistol packing mama on repeat has really soft launched me in to my country appreciation era
  15. She better, I’m getting my cowboy boots on tonight so I’ll be dressed for the occasion
  16. I do too, I’m glad she kept the blackbird cover very close to the original and subtle everyone against the Jolene lyric changes but I’m kinda loving that too, I think Jolene’s been done to death so it was nice to have it mixed up a bit
  17. Lana, lean in to Neil young again and cover cowgirl in the sand
  18. Everything, I get too much anxiety that people won’t like my song choice and I will take it deeply personally if they don’t love it lol
  19. I’m obsessed with bodyguard
  20. I want a better look at the tanks, they looked ribbed online but doesn’t look like it on that photo
  21. Kinda wish I got that hoodie now.. but then I remember it was £65 and remember why I didn’t lol
  22. Too true.. but Jack also confirmed in that interview didn’t he but totally agree, when Lana states a release date just don’t get your hopes up until it lands on your doorstep
  23. Is alligator tears sampling Fleetwood Mac yeah?
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