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Francesco Carrozzini

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Everything posted by Francesco Carrozzini

  1. The dress is beautiful but how is she going to sit down lol
  2. I don't mean this in an inflamamtory way at all, I actually love her music, I'm just curious Did people just decide to """forgive""" Ari bc of the drama that went on with Ethan? I remember when that was hot tea, many of her long time stans were turning on her. I just wanted to know if something happened that redeemed them or if ppl just forgot about it.
  3. I miss her but oh well, guess I'll just have to stream BTD endlessly I heard from some twitter insider that she's retiring it looks like the right person isn't Lana
  4. Fr I didn't even watch the movie but I'm rooting hard for it because I'm a #patriot and bc Fernanda Montenegro needs to be avenged
  5. Hollywood's dead and I hope Fernanda Torres or Ainda Estou Aqui wins something, bc if they're completely snubbed Brazilians will go feral
  6. Tessa diPietro remotely lifting Lana's cough so she can finally sing again
  7. when the album doesn't contain sound nor Lana singing and it's just 50 mins of muffled white noise produced by Jack Fartonoff
  8. I know, I just think I'm not that into his music ever since AH, it's cool that he has a vision and concept for his music though
  9. I think I'm getting too old to understand the weeknd's music
  10. Waiting for the youtube girlies to get to work and post The Abyss (Lana Del Rey's outro looped for 3 hours)
  11. If this happens I'll unalive myself in front of Interscope, this is a CRIME
  12. that is very unfortunate. My country has anti DV laws, which unfortunately were conquered after a very serious case of DV (search Maria da Penha if you want to know more about it). I seriously hope one day all countries will take it seriously.
  13. I really don't want to reignite the flame of this topic, just want to say that this is the most adult post in this entire thread lmao I really hope some of you guys are under 18 or something, bc firing someone is not as simple as it is in movies and cartoons and shit (like, the boss just yells ''you're fired'' and the employee leaves with their stuff in a box) I was an intern in a public government company and there was a similar case. Someone made an anonymous report that this guywas involved in sketchy stuff (not DV, but it was a crime nonetheless). But he had worked as a government employee for over 10 years or so, and, in Brazil, you can't just fire someone who's worked as a civil server for over ~3 years. There needs to be a very good reason to do so and you have to go to court. The first thing the company did was investigate the anonymous report, bc they couldn't just take it at face value. Then all the other bureaucratic procedures followed. It really isn't the same thing and idk how USA laws work thank God, BUT, I understand that if the police is involved, ppl just can't go yap about it on Twitter. Even the victim seems to have quieted down. That probably indicates that she went to the police and has a lawsuit going on now.
  14. Thanks everyone . Even though I was only a guest at this ceremony, I had a great time having drugs and doing unprotected sex. See you again next year.,,
  15. Lana refused to try my mother's italian pasta sauce recipe and said it was disgusting! Then she spit on the kitchen floor and left
  16. darling this is specifically a Lana drama category
  17. I'm going! Always up for a good time also, who is this girl?? She's is so pretty..., give me her phone number please
  18. I let my hot girlfreind hold my imaginary award,.. me, as I photographer, am aware that we need to have imagination I'm having one more nectarofthepuss and then I'm goin home...
  19. well meet me in the bathroom if your bumping that
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