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Everything posted by Lasso

  1. The dynamic of this thread is so beautiful when you think about it Lana is retiring --> Blue Banisters discourse --> real snippet --> fake snippet --> random fight --> horniness --> new single --> start all over
  2. Kintsugi didn't leak anything too and we still worship anything they say, because they're actually nice and answer our questions? I don't really see a difference here
  3. And also let's not be acting like we understand everything Lana sings, specially ppl whose first language isn't English are going to have a hard time figuring out what she says. That's why I'm being kind of annoying asking you for the lyrics but yeah ty
  4. Not Candy Necklace being simultaneously a sacrificial lamb AND the most massive song to ever exist... icon behavior
  5. Well, thanks Btw, do you intend on sharing the lyrics in case it l*aks, or only on release day?
  6. I hear you. Look at most of her comment sections - it's 90% comments in Spanish. They love her and they'll love TT
  7. I didn't listen to Fishtail and I'm most definitely not gonna try and look for it cause that place is worse than Chernobyl Anyway I'm so happy Lana's in a good mood again
  8. Anyways I missed slutty songs from Lana tbh I guess the last one was Cherry? Idk I love her through and through but I guess I'm entering my slut era
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