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Everything posted by dxniell

  1. im tryna play/download it and it says the file was taken down? or something idk
  2. dxniell

    Ethel Cain

    from what I've gathered they were once posted onto Soundcloud but were privated and somehow they managed to get the tracks through hacking.. im not 100% sure tho
  3. dxniell

    Ethel Cain

    wait have more atlas tracks have leaked? I thought sex change was the only one and skinhead and teddy were not a part of this era. Pantheon and doas are things I have never even heard about.. please fill me in omg lol
  4. dxniell

    Ethel Cain

    if people are gonna leak something, leak something of substance. this sex change song is so irrelevant and makes so much drama for what… we want the true grails…
  5. dxniell

    Ethel Cain

    im loving it so far but these frequencies coming through my earphones are making my inner ears itchy
  6. dxniell

    Song vs. Song

    difficult one but video games, video games vs without you
  8. dxniell

    Ethel Cain

    the slo mo is kind of everything and omg the filter is giving the 8mm app and ifykyk
  9. dxniell

    Ethel Cain

  10. In the Lana verse I at the edge of a forest in a lil cottage, not too far from the nearest town over but far enough where the only visible human landmarks are paved trails and a powerline valley sorta vibe. I mainly work on my main job as a video editor/ colour grader for indie movies at home and then have a part time job at a gas station. After my shifts I buy a Diet Coke and ceaser salad and a bag of salted hula hoops and hang out with my friends and do the simple things. Lots of baggy tops/sweaters and leather jackets (and blue jeans ofc) and I never take off my converse. I’d also have an old SoundCloud that where I post shitty demos every 3 months with my out of tune guitar. The songs sound questionable but all my friends say it’s the realest shit they’ve heard. Though I’m happy I always wish I took my education further and made something of myself and ran away from home with my secret high school lover to New York to forge the life we always wanted. Every now and then you’ll find me at a festival, or wandering the forest blasting I talk to Jesus and pawn shop blues. I have an old withering American flag in hung up in my room and underneath a record player with vintage jazz records that I never really listen to but stare at them wishing I was the type of person who could enjoy them im gonna stop rambling this is so fun!
  11. y'all dw im at Ellie and mason HAUS 💜 to find LASSO_ROSEMEAD_BABY_EXLUSIVE_LEAK_PARADISE_2015.zip and Ellie was like oh no no no no no no girl dont even think about it but Ill find it so edit: im so sorry someone has to get me off TikTok
  12. they were kinda, but there was a lot being constructed it was kinda crazy
  13. dxniell

    Ethel Cain

    someone commented young Ethel on the track sobbing
  14. Neither!! were in this together and I have high hopes for us
  15. anyone else truly terrified to try and get barricade for reading? or is that just me 😆 something tells me the crowd of 16 year olds this year will be brutal xx
  16. ive never actually read a message on here and actually had a real visceral reaction until now thanks for putting this horrid idea in my head
  17. dxniell

    Ethel Cain

    ur lying stop I’m this is yes
  18. okkkkk soo when do things get intresting #freeuptheleaksguyssorwhateveridkwhatsgoingon
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