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Everything posted by SinclairKills23

  1. Let’s be honest. Q was kept to continue that Jan storyline of being the robbed queen. I thought Amanda did better in the lipsync, but she wasn’t gonna be kept due to no storyline. I don’t know how much more of the Plane Jane drama could have been milked out.
  2. There’s one less than 10 minutes away from me. Darn! She was here and I missed it 🤭
  3. I think either she’s actually NOT free from Capitol and she’s not listed anymore as some sort of punishment, or she isn’t signed anymore and the only reason she won’t say anything is due to some type of NDA.
  4. https://ibb.co/R368WQc I feel bad for the guys who are suing, they should be having an on-time show that’s not hours and hours late. To show our support, let’s get them tickets to see Ms Sky! 🤭
  5. SinclairKills23

    Cheryl Cole

    A Million Lights is her best solo album what are you talking about? 😂
  6. Does anyone think Descending will be released as the third single whenever it does come out?
  7. Cruel Youth x Sky Ferreira collaboration COMING SOON! (“soon”)
  8. I don’t even like Biden, and it’s strongly evident he will not be re-elected, but I am just saying get ready cos things more than likely will be getting worse.
  9. Ok, your kids are homeschooled. And? Good for you! Unfortunately, that’s not gonna help with gun violence. School shootings in what should be a safe setting for children are still happening. Parents should NOT have to worry about sending their kids to school and worrying if it’s gonna be the last day they’ll see their child alive! It’s ridiculous!
  10. Oh my god, same! Not fighting for this joke of a “free” nation. I think I’d do the same thing to be perfectly honest!
  11. So, rant: I am SOOOO close and on the verge of moving out of country to Europe. We’re gonna get in a war and it’s gonna be UGLY. These old, crusty ass men are wanting to go back to the 1800’s with sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, etc. Basically, if you’re not a patriotic, white, male, straight, Christian American, you’re in danger. Already bad enough that Roe v Wade was overturned last year and gun violence just keeps getting worse and worse and worse. I am SOO horrified about what’s next. I already know same sex marriage is coming next so us gay Americans need to get the heck out of here before some 80 year old men who can barely talk and walk can tell us who we should and shouldn’t be with.
  12. Did you even read the full post? So freaking negative all the time 🙄 I’m glad you got to see her! She sounds cool and has been clearly bringing the performances lately!
  13. You’d be lucky to get anything
  14. Well it’s better than it was lol
  15. Honestly, the delay drama to the side, at least she’s getting a little more comfortable on stage and bringing good vocals! It sounds like the shows itself are pretty well done and entertaining, with the exception of restarts. It is Sky tho so I wouldn’t complain too much about that, especially now lol
  16. Oh my god, I know! 111 is obsessed with Sky and has been for years. You don’t like her?Just move on! It’s simple. She’s not perfect, obviously. But all these essays slamming her for half a decade are getting OLD. Also said he has songs but won’t release them for whatever reason. If he actually didn’t like her, the songs would be out a long time ago, but here we are with nothing. Trolling at its best. Also, everyone who calls him out is asked if they’re Sky or her mom, cos apparently that’s the go-to response. Been on LB almost a year and haven’t been on this thread the whole time, cos I don’t like just Sky Ferreira. Just thought I’d call it out the way I’ve seen it after seeing this thread over the years. #111lovesskyferreiraandwontadmitit
  17. Some people on this thread don’t like Taylor and just want to come in here and bash her so their opinion of how much they don’t like her is public on a thread about a girl passing away. It’s honestly disgusting.
  18. The way we’re getting a new single in 2024 after the tour and the album in 2025!!! 😭😭 (me living in delusion)
  19. You should be glad she’s releasing anything at this point.
  20. Oh my god, I’ve been waiting for Only Say the Wrong Things to leak, it’s about time!
  21. Me just waiting for CY1 leaks…
  22. Well it’s been leaked I just asked him if it was true, and he said yes.
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