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Platinum Greenwich

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Everything posted by Platinum Greenwich

  1. So... we have the original mix, the radio edit, the orginal mix with the "fixes" of the radio edit, and now this more upbeat radio version. Coming for Young & Beautiful's weave.
  2. i can't seem to find just paradise on cd (or anythin else for that matter because i would have it otherwise ) and it's maddening
  3. Since thirsting for UV is the wiser choice out of thirsting for that or Greenwich...
  4. I just want the tracklist (and some kind of album sampler like she did for Paradise, in my dreams ) and that's it. That'll hold me over until whenever the fuck the album's supposed to drop.
  5. Can someone who's got the situation under control just PM me all versions of West Coast, thank you? <3 I'm trawlin' for clues here.
  6. i have the itunes v1 and the radio edit~ if someone sent me whatever it is i'm missing, i'd be super grateful xxx <3
  7. theneedledrop pisses me the fuck off oh god i have honest-to-god never encountered a more uneducated person in my entire life lmfao
  8. she fuckin' sings "come on, you know you like little girls" and y'all decide to get your panties in a bunch about seeming evidence of her rowdy sex habits smh
  9. @@Leo Is this from today's issue? If I weren't sick as a dog right now, I'd pop down to the subway and grab one myself...
  10. Photogs just make me think of like, Perez Hilton, tbh. The whole "I CAN DO WHAT I WANT AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME" shtick is identical, and annoyin' as fuck. I somehow would've loved for Lana to have been the one who cut the dude, though -- even if that would've meant bad rep. "LET ME FUCKING DO WHAT I'M FUCKING DOING!"
  11. the chorus is serving me life on a silver platter FUCK
  12. tbh do Euro-tailored releases ever even happen I'm not complaining tho because a bitch is used to being up until 5AM waiting for Gags' ass
  13. This is where I get in the shower until Fearne gets her ass on the radio tbh
  14. I haven't listened to the newer snippets; just that first one. So stoked. Holy fuck.
  15. VIDEO GAMES NATIONAL ANTHEM SUMMERTIME SADNESS YOUNG & BEAUTIFUL WEST COAST as a quintet of "smashes", those look REALLY good together. edit: i'm forgetting blue jeans tbh
  16. When she was here last year, I had on my James Dean tee and, um, blue jeans. Points for creativity? I get none.
  17. Not the point @@litewave was making, I'm sure.
  18. First time around, I thought it was a little underwhelming -- but listening now, there's definitely a nice rhythm going on, and shit. <3 I'm sure it'll sound amazing, come the studio version on Monday.
  19. Sirens is life, and so is WC as far as I can tell from what she performed last night! <3
  20. QOTGS, easily. It's one of my favorite Lana tracks overall -- if not the favorite. <3
  21. Oh, fuck yes. Timezones notwithstanding (seeing as the UK is GMT and I'm GMT+1), I'll be able to catch West Coast before I head off to school on Monday, as I will have nothing in my morning slot. <3
  22. Watch me play Chillin' on repeat just to spite this bitch if she doesn't perform WC tonight. Lookin' at, lookin' at, lookin' at me...
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