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Platinum Greenwich

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Everything posted by Platinum Greenwich

  1. I like the PBR Streetgang remix the best... like, at least the mood of the beat (even though it's up-tempo) matches somewhat with Lana's vocals.
  2. Sirens 2.0 happened, y'all. EDIT: But she's talking about "Music To Watch Boys To" again... fucking hell, GET IT LANA.
  3. Y'all do realize that if this fuckin' thing gets made at all, it's not going to be that cheerful, right? She'll do her bad bitch thing and give us "Children of the Bad Revolution" teas, just times 15 or whatever.
  4. All I can say is, I feel for Lana. Flighty moods are something I deal with as well, and let me tell you how volatile it is, dealing with people who know just how to drive you over the proverbial edge.
  5. Now, the only question that remains is whether or not there's a non-video version of it, or if we're stuck with a Lolita (Demo 1)-style mess. 'cuz like i'm assuming there's a million different demos of this bitch anyway and they all need to get leaking
  6. I feel more connected to v1 of Lolita tbh, but okay.
  7. I really loved this. <3 Thanks for posting! All that Topaz, though.
  8. But I have 110 songs in my unreleased folder alone, not counting demos or anything? I'm so confused.
  9. You can attribute "flame-colored paradise" from Velvet Crowbar and the various references to "flame-colored skies" in AFFA to Nabokov as well. Aren't these just literary references, though? I was under the impression intertextuality was something else...
  10. "WHITE LINES" EP 01. Tattoos 02. Diamonds Into Snow 03. Down Way Low 04. Something For Ya 05. Sun In My Mouth 06. Pretty Daddy 07. High In Miami "LET THE LIGHT IN" EP 01. All Over Now 02. So Famous 03. Got Your Gun 04. My Candy 05. Now That You're Gone 06. Little Red Party Dress 07. Bourbon (Suburban) 08. Dancing Circles
  11. yaaaassss what kind of thematic cohesiveness EDIT: "so it's not like some people have written, like, that you're taking it?" in reference to the "hydroponic weed" line, i think -- which is still weird because i haven't seen anyone hypothesize particularly about that.
  12. where were you when "For You" leaked tbh; Lizzy ha gay anthem <3
  14. so it goes, from surf noir to hollywood sadcore to narco swing and now music to watch boys to lana ha innovation
  15. i'm kind of sad because barrie's hot BUT MARK MAHONEY IS HOTTER~ GET IT LANA GET IT!
  16. So what if Lana loves spendin' her time in subspace, tbh. I don't see why everyone else has to make such an issue out of it.
  17. mark mahoney's EYES though... sighhhh edit: i mean those eyebrows serve legit mojo jojo teas, but the video is fucking fantastic and i can't
  18. Je dis "bourgeois" parce qu'en Suéde, durant les années... bon, je sais pas quand exactement -- mais on a eu quelque sorte de liaison entre nous et la France, principalement au niveau royal. Donc, c'est pour ça que le français a l'air "cultivé" selon la plupart des gens suédois.
  19. C'était juste pour l'école, car en Suéde, on est obligé à étudier quelque langue en plus de l'anglais et le suédois. La plupart des gens choisissent l'espagnol ou l'allemand, mais moi je suis trop bourgeois.
  20. ^ mdrrrrrrr moi, je suis suédois en fait, mais j'ai étudié le français depuis 7 ou 8 ans -- alors je voudrais bien l'utiliser un peu pour pas le perdre
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