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Platinum Greenwich

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Everything posted by Platinum Greenwich

  1. My father fucked Marlene Dietrich. No way for y'all to tell.
  2. Do we think there's more where these August 6th leaks came from? God, now that I have Wayamaya I'm satisfied. Fuck the rest. I mean, leak them if y'all want but I'm fucking set with my Hawaiian glam metal Lizzy.
  3. I did some googling! I remember an all-white day, with eight-story waves He said "your eyes are gray -- beautiful!" We were living on côtes d'île Low cabriolet and sun memory There is such a thing as a Ford Del Rey Mercury Cabriolet, apparently!
  4. How does the universe keep blessing us like this? Our collective karma must be off the fucking charts.
  5. Please sit on a cactus. Make that several cactuses. Cactii?
  6. "Wait" and "Butterflies"? Here for these re-recordings lmao! <3 i actually kind of like "citrus viola" as a title tbh
  7. I just want "surrealism" to imply Lana Del Ray-esque lyrics. Much more painterly, but not lacking the "bad boy" thematic for that sake. She's kind of gone off in a direction, as of Big Eyes et al, where her narratives are a lot more traditional -- still Lana-y and poetic, but less about an atmosphere in the way that Lana Del Ray and maybe a lot of her unreleased stuff is. I think that's what we're tired of. Lana just isn't as visual.. I don't wanna say anymore, but not right now, anyway. Which is what makes the Ultraviolence video such a welcome enigma among the rest of that album's videos. We want something that's less obvious, is what I feel like.
  8. Lana Del Ray is amazing. Someone needs to do this with all of the unreleased shit...
  9. this look is very seventies, on a whole! i enjoy it~
  10. y'all homemade video for y'all spice girls b-side sounding fake lyrics? tragic
  11. ok so first things first 1. the instrumental is ??? true hollywood glitz 2. "dark blue" 3. i don't know what to say i need several moments
  12. Two things: 1. I'd let Johnny Blue Eyes fuck the bad taste (which no doubt led me into finding him attractive to begin with) out of me 2. Lana's latest selfie has got me gagging and I love it
  13. I can see her doing Driving Home For Christmas in a very Hollywood-slash-Come When You Call Me A.M.E.R.I.C.A. kinda way. Which might be weird. I don't know.
  14. Is it bad that I can actually imagine her titling a song "Hurricane Fuck Off"?
  15. When did you first discover Lana Del Rey? August 2012, as I recall. What was the first song that made you fall in love with her music? I think, Off To The Races -- maybe Kill Kill. Favorite Lana hairstyle? Those luscious Ride curls. Favorite live performance? Favorite lyric? Um. That's tough. "The stone Mary in the garden, she let me know she watching." Maybe. I also like "I'm in love in a hurricane." And uh, "The future's looking bright as black tonight." Would you make out with Lana if you had the chance to? Duh. Favorite facial feature? Her lips, sorry-not-sorry. I love them in the OOW video. What's one thing you don't like about Lana? I wish she wasn't so awkward. I mean, it's usually to her detriment. Have you ever met Lana? I've seen the bitch live. Does that count? Who's your favorite artist after Lana? I think, Marina. Would you say you're obsessed or just a really big fan? Obsessed -- but that's kind of how I am with music overall; I'm either mildly disinterested or scarily obsessive. What if Lana was secretly an evil zombie would you still love her? You mean to tell me she isn't? * Bentley giggling in the distance *
  16. This bitch is giving me ASMR and I've never even had that shit.
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