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Platinum Greenwich

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Everything posted by Platinum Greenwich

  1. say what you will about the leak (it sucks) but if you've listened to the song you can't fucking deny she did _that_ i'm so shook my unborn child died from brain damage
  2. absolute fucking angel that she is you guys it just dawned on me how 700% shook i am by this release and like, the upcoming album bye
  3. i literally burst out crying reading this jesus christ i'm so extra BUT I LOVE HER SO MUCH NONE OF YOU GUYS WILL EVER UNDERSTAND
  4. she liked it but wasn't in the mood
  5. "the world is yours and you can't refuse it"
  6. i'm unduly pleased about this cum thru early mix
  7. are we more or less allowed to discuss the song now, then? yail sounds like the stuff lana did for big eyes, but like, actually good pffft i'm obsessed nonetheless -- and they need to release this so i can throw my coins at it
  8. well, we _knew_ this was gonna happen still sucks it did though
  9. oh jesus christ can we just leak my song 57 instead like hell you guys
  10. omg @SitarHero i'm sorry i didn't realize it was sensitive info
  11. i really hope the album title is "bar" like what kinda "the best of lana del rey" / "g.b.a." teas
  12. jesus christ i saw the words "video premiere" and RAN
  13. what era i remember freaking out over hbtb but the rest is a blur
  14. from the end, young like me/quiet now/rock me stable and the lizzy grant demo tape all say hi say hi, boo
  15. yes to heaven, fine china, roses, daytona meth, fordham road and fake diamond all say hi
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