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Platinum Greenwich

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Everything posted by Platinum Greenwich

  1. ohhh-ho-ho-ho, my fuck our girl is looking like a whole grain SNACK
  2. all this teasing bitch has got to come through with an EP
  3. As an ENFP myself, I'd also have to agree with @ -- Lolita and Brooklyn Baby are songs that resonate with me, besides. It's really difficult to pick out just a few songs to represent this type, when it feels like most of her songs entertain at least a longing for the ideals that ENFPs uphold...
  4. Back in the day when YouTube had ads on the background splash for every video, back in early 2012 or whatever, Lana was on literally every single one -- and having a song titled "Video Games" along with that name, I thought she was a latina electropop one-off, as embarrassing as that is to admit. I was like, Alexandra Stan is apparently over, but why should I care? Needless to say, I eventually got tired of the mystery and clicked to watch the fucking video, and the opening strings to VG swooped in to emancipate my wig from my scalp. I've never seen it since that day. I recall, besides VG, one of the first songs I listened to was OTTR, after which I found QOTGS and then one of the demos for DMD. I had all the "deep cuts" available on YouTube at the time, pretty much on a loop: I remember watching this video in particular... Shortly after I'd become sort of a casual fan, the trailer for Paradise was released, and that was what really did it for me. "My pussy tastes like Pepsi-Cola", indeed. And then I found out about her unreleased music -- which, looking back on it, I find it hilarious that I thought there was so much of it, considering the amount we have now.
  5. IKR LIKE IT'S BEEN 5 YEARS AND I KNOW SHE DID WAY OUT WEST THE OTHER WEEK BUT LIKE APRIL 8TH 2013 AT ANNEXET WAS LIFE CHANGING (and i didn't have to go to buttfuck nowhere göteborg, more to the point)
  6. one of her best songs, hands down imagine a$ap rocky on this
  7. it took thirteen virgins to find one tight-snatched but finally she's mine
  8. I listened a bit sporadically while I was out doin' a bit of vanity shopping -- which, as mundane as it sounds, absolutely transformed my experience. living that may jailer - blizzard.mp3 fantasy (am i wise to admit that i listened to the leak though) like, Tomorrow Never Came came on while I was riding the subway home, and I casually sat there with tears in my eyes all the way to my stop bitch rly outdid herself with this record...
  9. det gäller alla abonnemang, såvitt jag har förstått saken! xx do a livestream sis lololo
  10. tbh i shouldn't say anything at all bc if my song 57 leaks edited, me and my therapist are gonna have a lot to talk about when i see him next
  11. don't put god's name in your mouth if you're not gonna leak her
  12. somebody pm the fuck out of me I'm @ work but I'mma sneak a cigarette break to listen
  13. bitch this is so fucking good fuck me up
  14. oh, the woes of writing one's thoughts and opinions on a public forum rather than in a fucking diary
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