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Platinum Greenwich

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Everything posted by Platinum Greenwich

  1. "Make me uncrazy like you did." Lana, please.
  2. Aviation; out of all her MJ stuff that one's my fave. Took me away from a bad place. Pure escapism. My Momma is nice too. Queen of the Gas Station is just fantastic. I'm also partial to Put Me in a Movie. You ask me about BTD, I tell you Lolita all the way. TIWMUG, too -- really special to me. Burning Desire is the MVP on Paradise, yo. UV is where this gets to be difficult -- I love that whole album so much. But I'm going to say Guns & Roses just for the shock factor. As unreleased stuff goes, I love most of it to death, but uh... Again for the shock factor, I'll say Betty Boop Boop -- but y'all knew that. You & Me is precious, and y'all know I love CWYCMA. Playing Dangerous, MMITPM... AFFA, always.
  3. oh, i like this! i mean yes the chorus is basic but evidently the uv curse is here to stay and i'm sure she'll turn it out in the actual like song lol
  4. did this bitch get her camera from the local wal-mart produce aisle or edit: omg i didn't see the other pics/thread consider me HYPED
  5. I love her live debuts; for all of a few minutes it's no longer a mass karaoke session lmao
  6. I wanna have another go. 01. Sugar Cane & Spices 02. Yes To Heaven 03. Later 04. The Hand Of God 05. On My Dime 06. K 07. Music To Watch Boys To 08. I'm With Stupid 09. Class Act 10. Living Legend 11. Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood ** La Hacienda ** Goodnight Tonight ** Totally Unworthy ** DD/LG (iTunes Exclusive)
  7. you are all so #hateful and #poisonous tbh like yes it's basic but what has her songwriting been since big eyes lbr lick clean the fingers of the hand that feeds you; do not bite it
  8. Wait. This movie is releasing in 2 days, y'all. (in the US, anyway -- Sweden gets it on the 5th of June lmao)
  9. I really like it as well. Lana keeps me going to the movies, y'all... (still haven't seen Big Eyes tho, tbh... )
  10. Platinum Greenwich


    BITCH I AM VERSACE (the second single from the long-awaited Freaky Fat Bitch mixtape; get ya life! ) will be streaming tomorrow, April 11th, exclusively on TOSTB's TinyChat -- which will start around 8PM or 9PM EST. SoundCloud and Tumblr releases to follow on Sunday, April 12th! Be there or be square xx
  11. I kind of just want her to pull a CWYCMA on us and string together a bunch of nonsensical but ~beautiful~ phrases... Fuck cohesive lyricism lmao
  12. Platinum Greenwich


    TOSTB REINVENTS HA BAD SELF && THE RAP GAME Y'ALL! glue ya pubes down but good girls; freaky fat bitch: the mixtape coming 4 ur phat coochies soon xx *
  13. 01. A Priori 02. Deep Cover 03. Honeymoon 04. Bubble Yum 05. I Think Love 06. Fly Girl 07. Music To Watch Boys To 08. I Said Hey 09. Ur Luv 10. Jet Set Jazz 11. A Posteriori 12. Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood This is kind of dumb. *still hoping for an album that sounds like this*
  14. It's times like this I wish my MK announcer game was on point... Round one; FIGHT!
  15. Marrakesh Ballgag Balmy Whore Raw Kush In-N-Out Melodrama Four Seasons Selfies #Honeymoon2015 y'all
  16. ok but do y'all remember when we thought fordham road was _never_ going to leak lmao
  17. Uh, in no real order: I just love how the NY drawl comes out to play here. Outfit for days, vocals for months, and atmosphere for years. My show. I may or may not have had a seizure at about 2:19. "Get it girl, get it!" I love this a lot. Don't know why.
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