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Platinum Greenwich

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Everything posted by Platinum Greenwich

  1. And to be fair, Azealia made a career out of her cunt gettin' eaten -- not Perez and his sad, sad goings-on.
  2. So turns out Eminem is still doing this whole "edgy white dude" gig he's had going on since the 1700s. We done yet? I guess someone had to take "I'm tryna hit Lana Del Rey is what I'm sayin'" to the next level, though.
  3. i'm creaming myself honestly
  4. I could see her releasing a collection of poems, or something to that effect. I don't think conventional prose (or at least non-fiction) is her forte, or something she'd delve into.
  5. i know it's been a long time since ultraviolence but please, y'all.
  6. Tell me, was it ‘cause I wasn’t platinum and jewels? That perhaps you thought I was a little bit of an uncool kid Was that it? I mean, there's a mid-sentence break there, all Sirens-style, but you know.
  7. I ended up reading Lolita (and seeing both films, and cultivating an unhealthy obsession with the whole thing in general) after becoming a fan of Lana. I'd always been curious, but I'd never really gone off the deep end until then. So yeah, there's that. I also found my favorite film ever thanks to a fanmade video for the Carmen acapella demo.
  8. QOTGS. It wasn't until a while after I'd become a fan, I guess -- because I'd consistently liked all of her music thus far -- but like, yo. Cemented it.
  9. Some video examples would be nice for the uncultured the less musically inclined!
  10. The small-time gangsta teas are real as all hell right now! I mean -- I also take Lana's sensibilities to heart, but c'mon... It's all material that we acquired illegally; no need to pretend like there's a bigger picture or turf wars to be had.
  11. call me back when they leak uh idk what's even left live or die v2 maybe idc
  12. BTD; Lolita / This Is What Makes Us Girls / Diet Mountain Dew Paradise; Gods & Monsters / Burning Desire ... Can I say the whole album for Ultraviolence? Because I really can't choose.
  13. ... I just had a minor epiphany. "I was shot at 2AM" ??? Considering the opening line establishes her death...
  14. I don't understand the notion that if you can't sing due to some vocal ailment, the rest of your life can't possibly march on as usual?
  15. I don't think she produced any of the BTD demos, though? Her webcam demos, on the other hand...
  16. I said I needed a Lana/Barrie sex tape once, but I really need a Lana/Francesco sex tape now. Fingering for days...
  17. I definitely think, in the future, "Video Games" will be one of those songs that people know the name of, even though they haven't heard it. Lana's personal stayin' power as an icon... I think it's too early to discuss that, honestly.
  18. Dan lit her ass on fire and they're using old photos. Slay.
  19. Regardless of whether or not they're actually related, the resemblance is uncanny. Makes me think of reincarnation. (unless this Beatrice woman isn't dead, in which case nvm lol)
  20. I thought we all agreed it was "sun in my mouth"?
  21. I'mma need to take another hit of whatever the fuck I was on when I wrote this. Damn. *sips Haterade*
  22. I need Lana to star in like, a Hellblazer-esque comic or something. This looks dope, in the meantime. <3
  23. Any unduly confident track will do for a Leo, tbh. Personally though, I feel Betty Boop Boop on a spiritual level. Like, hear me out: "You can call me Liberty; I'll be your #1 girl." Please do call me playfully grand nicknames, and tell me that you love me. I'll do anythin' for your ass. I am nothing if not the Queen of New York, you know?
  24. I need an edit that stuffs this in with the actual track... it's beyond gorgeous.
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