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Tana Mongeau

Voluntary Leave
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Everything posted by Tana Mongeau

  1. she made eye contact with me, nearly passed out. Some old man tried to steal my spot. The guy next to me was on Grindr during the opening acts
  2. i would share photos but they're very dear to my heart (aka i cba to find them atm) OMG ALSO HAPPY 1K PAGES YALL, ONLY TOOK 10 YEARS
  3. I was talking about sound synthesis ('the technique of generating sound, using electronic hardware or software, from scratch. The most common use of synthesis is musical, where electronic instruments called synthesizers are used in the performance and recording of music.') But yes I have synaesthesia too
  4. Ooooo I like I just made a 'deluxe' version in Local Files, here's the tracklisting LOVE FEAR
  5. Nope, I don't reckon it will anytime soon
  6. TRUE ACTUALLY I really wish she kept the same structure of the track from the demo
  7. Tana Mongeau

    Song vs. Song

    American vs Lolita
  8. I know. In an ideal world, she would've slightly reworked DA's drums because they wouldn't fit but that doesn't exist so Also EOTE is one of my favourite LF released tracks, it just works so well. I'm remaking it for my synthesis module
  9. lemme laugh in draft tracklists I love DA and PDCM. I feel like DA would've needed a rework to be sonically cohesive on the album (just because of those trap drums, my dad always says they remind him of a james bond film?) PDCM was amazing and should've replaced You on the tracklist imo. I just feel like You is a watered down version of PDCM, if you get me? My DREAM L+F tracklist is as follows:
  10. The second piano demo is my fav icl. The vocal chops in the captain cuts version is fucking horrific But I think that some elements from that demo would've made a great final. She should've replaced baby with disconnect, orange trees with Holiday (they go hand in hand imo) and then replaced You and Karma with different versions
  11. forever blaming atlantic and jack icl but also he gave us bops like Absent Love, Doubt Your Love, Believe In Love, Please Don't Call Me, What I Wanna Do, Worth It, End of The Earth, You and Too Afraid he also gave us the adiaml bops of Highly Emotional People, Flowers, I Love You But I Love Me More, Pandora's Box and Goodbye
  12. tbf i think (and this is my opinion based from personal experiences) that to enjoy LF you need to be in a certain mindset? I think that LF is more mature lyrically and arguably sonically in the sense that the production is very polished and clean. And as I've grown and matured, I've found myself being able to appreciate some of the LF songs more and also find connection with them? Idk it might just be me but that's how I feel tbf
  13. Tana Mongeau

    Melanie Martinez

    no because kinda same
  14. Tana Mongeau

    Melanie Martinez

    Hi, me popping in. As someone who is a creative in the music sector, things can go through multiple changes, reworks or whatever else because a lot of us are perfectionists. Also after the final tracklist has been decided upon and the tracks have been mastered, there's a period which is at least 4 months long of gathering promotional assets for the album (music videos, photoshoots, behind the scenes content, ect.) Also if Melanie is planning to do vinyl as well, there's a fat ass delay on vinyl. Last article I read said that a band were waiting at least 8-10 months due to delays. Additionally you've got to account merch, and CD. If she's doing a film for this album, that too. So for all we know it could be right around the corner with no fault of her own, But some labels are very money hungry in the sense they'll refuse to fund something if they don't see it as profitable or commercially viable. So we just gotta keep waiting tbf, not much else you can do. Also @ the leakers stop being dicks and leaking tracks from her third album. You're slowing down the album's release, whether you realise it or not. Many artists and labels will scrap songs after they've been leaked
  15. Blue 50s Queen - reference to methamphetamines
  16. banned for a mirror selfie, it's 2023, step it tf up and ik you're gonna come for my pfp, and it's all good. no one here is original
  17. ive been watching madisyn brown, i love her commentaries
  18. rock candy question for the culture pfp eating
  19. title track is so good. i want a convertible just so i can crash it whilst belting "drag racing my little red sports car"
  20. icl the intro makes me piss myself
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