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Everything posted by gothphetamine

  1. If this IS a new one and including NFR it’s five in three years. FIVE in THREE YEARS. She is unbeatable
  2. Wait imagine if it’s unreleased stuff BUT somehow unleaked. So it’s not technically ‘new’ per se but it’s new to us like I can’t believe that there’s not any more unleaked unreleased tracks
  3. In the RS interview she says rn is also the first time she’s felt inspired and enthusiastic about her music in 11 years (or words to that effect). So it really would be coming full circle in multiple ways if that’s the case
  4. Imagine if it’s just tomfoolery and there’s no surprise after all lmfao This lowkey goes kinda hard I can’t lie
  5. Without sounding like an elitist snob, songs with no “proper” choruses and verses are far more interesting than generic pop song structures. And honestly we know Lana doesn’t gaf about how radio friendly her songs are so
  6. Change of topic but anyone know which day Lana is playing at Glastonbury?
  7. Y’all… we’ve had nothing from honeymoon or familyheirlooms since the you know what.
  8. Damn this is so hard. Does anyone else’s opinion literally change day by day 1. Ocean boulevard 2. Nfr 3. UV 4. BTD & COTCC (BTD and COTCC are interchangeable tbh depending on the mood I’m in. If I’m nostalgic and contemplative then BTD but if I just wanna chill then COTCC) I’m so meh about the last three lol. 5. LFL 6. honeymoon 7. BB
  9. Oh my gosh I read the first line and thought you were saying I was brain damaged for saying that because I forgot I wrote it in the first place 😭 this is how bad it is hahah but thank you so much <3 I 100% agree with you about the nuance thing, I think a lot of people just don’t exercise any (again not specifically meaning LB but just fans in general) and with work as thematically complex as Lana’s discography — and honestly in all art in general — you HAVE to have nuance. Honestly one of the things I love most about Lana is she doesn’t shy away from ‘non PC’ topics. If she was to start doing so I would be disappointed as a listener tbh. Uncomfortable/nuanced topics are what gives her work substance. also you’re so right about the ethics of listening to leaks.. I will unashamedly admit I listened to some but I think it’s very ironic when the same people who have also done so are now getting worked up about the ethics of saying certain things in songs. Stones and glass houses etc
  10. Ok this might be an unpopular opinion and I’m ready to get flamed but… The purpose of art isn’t to write or produce things that make people feel comfortable. By writing a lyric that some construe as tone deaf she’s making us think about that statement. eg: Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable This isn’t specifically aimed at LB (it’s more prevalent on reddit, twitter, and tt) but a few people have already mentioned about how a lot of fans are listening to this from a “comfortable” position (eg being white, and accordingly having privilege) and speaking for minorities Idk I really haven’t conveyed my thoughts articulately at all but I think that whilst it’s very easy to argue that the ‘white woman’ lyric is tone deaf, I think it opens up interesting (and, perhaps for people who are more privileged, discomforting) discussion over white saviorisim idk I’m interested to hear everyone’s thoughts. I know this is written badly hahaha I have (legitimate lol) brain damage
  11. I think she apparently put on an accent for like one or two sentences in her billboard award speech the other night
  12. The first half of A&W is very introspective. I wouldn’t necessarily call it spiritual but it’s def got more substance than doin’ time
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