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Posts posted by slayyyngel

  1. Monster confirmed what I already thought that Slayyyter would make a great halloween darkpop album but unfortunately she would not be able to escape the Kim comparisons so I need other artists to make halloween albums first then she can do it lmao.


    The cover is just so good and I hope she would perform it on tour especially around october / november but I could see how she would want to focus on her own songs during her tour...

  2. 14 minutes ago from Ayesha's new instagram ayeshaonline69:

    "Really fun memories of this summer (emojis)"

    Slayyyter commented with heart emojis 2 minutes ago.



  3. The orders with the starfucker cd are delayed so I will now not be able to bring my Starfucker vinyl to the meet and greet to get it signed.

    This is a fucking nightmare. :crai:

  4. Ghosttt production is sooooooo good. I love those three heavy bumps that go throughout the whole track.

    Its unfortunately way, way too repetitive of a song. I dont understand why there werent just some more lines / another bridge written for it.

  5. Quote

    My DJ Owen Jackson produces a lot of my music too, he’s the best. He did some work on a couple songs for the album, and another one that I will hopefully put out soon.



    Are you into the idea of a deluxe album?

    I wish I could do a deluxe with six or seven songs that are demos from this project, but at this point it might be nice to tie it up with two more. Maybe in the future I’ll drop more music in this universe, but I need to shift gears, and I’m about to go on tour.

    A lot of my demos have leaked too, so I’m not itching to put them out because the surprise is already ruined. Everything leaked!


    What is the deal with all these leaks?

    Girl, I do not know. Someone is tapped…I don’t want to point fingers, but I feel like someone is tapped. I never send music to anyone, I don’t even share it with my friends. I’m so careful, I make sure my producers are aware of scam emails and that they need to keep it to themselves.

    I never upload to a cloud or drive, I keep it all filed in a safe place and people somehow still get my stuff. I don’t know how, but moving forward I hope that maybe things won’t leak as much. I’m going to start doing USB only so nothing leaks.


    Do you have a rough estimate of how many songs leaked?

    I feel like it’s been 50 or 60 songs. From what I’ve seen, there’s leaks from every session I’ve done making this album. Sometimes you do a session where you know at the end of the day the song you made isn’t going to come out, and now one will ever hear it, and yet it has all leaked. Even my trial and error session days.


    Do we know of any of the songs that could be on the deluxe from these sessions, that are for sure produced by Owen Jackson? Might be a clue.

    Otherwise it could be a brand new song for the next era already???



    You seem like someone who is pretty tapped into what’s going on online

    I skim the forums quite a bit.


  6. Honestly if theres any one thing I'd have to majorly critique this era its been the live performances. When she performs Miss Belladonna or My Body she always does a great job but I don't think shes figured out how to make I Love Hollywood or Erotic Electronic work on a stage setting. These aren't really songs you can "sing" so I just think she needs to figure out a better way to perform them.

  7. It was put at the top of a few pop / gay playlists on spotify like "Obsessed" right now has Slayyyter as the cover and Rhinestone Heart is the first song on the playlist.


    I definitely could see the label preferring to push this song vs the others since its one of the most tame lyrically and has a sound the general public can handle lol.

    Purr still has the most streams of every non-single despite this though. Purr and Plastic definitely have that "stan twitter fan video / tik tok sound" appeal like many Ayesha tracks do so well with. Her tiktok account actually has Purr as a sound "highlighted" at the top of her sounds tab implying she / her label want that sound to go farther.

  8. Heartbreak in Stereo is.... yeah, its okay. I dont understand the hype. I know she thinks the sample songs are cool but the trend is way past done and it is not gonna be worth paying for that sample I'm SORRY Cathy.


    I wouldn't get oh-so excited about this tweet getting taken down "confirming" that Heartbreak in Stereo is coming out...

    This tweet was getting a ton of traction and it was not only taking away from Starfucker release, but they could get in trouble for using that sample without paying for it so they may just be trying to be safe legally before anything happened. Its better to strike it down yourself than to wait for the sample-owner to get on your neck about taking it down. 


    Theres so many songs from Starfucker sessions that were leaked in nearly finished condition that its safe to say, that if a Deluxe did happen, they'd just pick songs that dont require a sample in the first place. But I could be wrong.

  9. Where is "James Dean" from?! It sounds awesome! Where did she sing that live? How did I miss this?!


    And wtf is the relation to Zed with the track 'Machine' where did that come from?

  10. Agora Hills is exactly why Doja Cat deserves to be famous. She is so genuinely talented and has such a unique perspective in her artistry. There is literally no one else able to do what she does. Its a shame she gets so caught up in the distraction and negativity that comes with where she is at in her career. Like girl you are above twitter losers. quit replying to them live in your mansion and keep making videos like this.

  11. The new mix of Rhinestone Heart with the new verses made it a LOT better imo but yeah its just nothing special. Its very safe and tame commercial pop sounding.


    Its absolutely not beating the “ava max” allegations but thank god this song is better than ava max discography! 

    1. Dramatic
    2. Tear Me Open
    3. My Body
    4. Miss Belladonna
    5. Purr
    6. Plastic (Honestly the changes knocked this one down for me severely :( )
    7. Erotic Electronic
    8. I Love Hollywood
    9. Out of Time
    10. Memories of You
    11. Girl Like Me
    12. Rhinestone Heart

    Honestly theres no bad song here. They're all good and replayable. I still say My Replacement and Heartbeat Away deserved.


    I literally have been waiting since Tear Me Open leaked for the first time with that stunted intro to hear the final version and I never thought we would get it. Hearing it tonight for the first time with that intro and all the new production ugh its SO GOOD.


    I started liking her music because of songs like Purr or Plastic but to see those in the middle of my list with her new sound taking up the top of my rankings really just shows her growth in my opinion like she really can pull off different sounds and is absolutely proving wrong all the naysayers that called her a "ayesha hyperpop y2k" type of one trick pony. Those losers are shaking right now lmao...

  12. Theres mostly just more layers to the production. Especially Miss Belladonna is mastered differently.

    I would have to spend more time with the rest of the tracks tonight but I don't think there are as many drastic changes as far as verses go. 


    I Love Hollywood had a few different lines re-recorded. The "shes not even on the list, I am the list" sounds completely different from the demo.

  13. Most of the people that leak her stuff are weird tiktok ayesha erotica rosalia stan discord dwellers that are literally like she said 14-19 years old and have no life or sense of morality regarding their actions on the internet.


    it feels like they want people to think theyre cool and fit in with their discord group for getting leaks. and some of them do genuinely not like her as they blame her for ayesha leaving music and/or “taking” ayeshas songs. 

    honestly i just still really wonder how you get a ton of demos leaked across multiple sessions and producers over years of time and still dont know how to put a stop to it. 

    And once it happens why are they never taken down lol if that was me Id be not sleeping fuming with rage until dbree and krakenfiles was melted off the internet entirely lmao

  14. 8 hours ago, Gore said:


    In my defense, this song leaked from mixtape era and so I really never expected it to be a part of S3, so I just played the fuck out of it. 

  15. Definitely going to miss


    "Got a brand new body-ody, gonna meet him in the lobby, speed off in his Maserati, hot girls get what they want oh-"


    in the final of Plastic. I loved acting a lil cunty singing that part :(


    The new section is really autotuned and is a faster pace than the rest of the song and then it cuts off really too quickly into the next verses. It just throws it off for me but thats what I get for listening to the leaks so much and getting used to them I guess?

  16. Very weird that some people's attachment or appreciation of an album comes down to the ~pre-release discussions~ on fan forums leading up to the album and how long ago those discussions took place in relation to the album's release date.... and.... not the actual album, yknow, the SONGS.


    Like, okay werk. You f words need to go outside.

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