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Posts posted by slayyyngel

  1. 5 hours ago, Chorli Xbox said:

    Slayyyter is so much in a completely other league that it’s not even possible to compare the two anymore 


    With Starfucker release and now No Comma teaser we are really seeing the difference between the two in terms of artistry. Slayyyter has an extremely clear creative vision and is actually able to take inspirations and make something new with them.


    Its clear Slayyyter has a passion for music and creating. Kim just seems to want to be rich and famous and will doing anything she desperately can to get there. She wants to be a pop star without making the pop.

  2. Well. Its out. It has the same problems as Slut Pop 1 honestly the tracks are just too short. Half of the "album" could have been combined into one song. Its just one verse repeated over and over on a generic beat most of the time. And that verse is barely a verse, moreso 3 words of generic sex/cuss words. Just completely void of creativity from the lyrics to production to subject. If your music is repetitive the part that repeats should be good.


    4 hours ago, Chorli Xbox said:

    im honestly sad cuz i felt like i discovered the new best future worldwide pop star when going to her tour a couple of years back, but the material she puts out is so bad recently 


    This!! Me and my friend freaked out hearing a Kim song on the radio for the first time. It felt like we were at the beginning of watching an artist get the recognition they deserve. And now... we're at Slut Pop Miami.


    I'll just keep listening to Icy / Slow It Down.

  3. Someone needs to take her phone away oh my god.

    It was kind of fine when she was just squashing some little kim stans off her replies... but she got really nasty and started getting reeeeally transphobic and homophobic. 

    She deserves to stand up for herself and for her friends if she feels that way but she really went too far.

  4. It sucks tbh that her boyfriend really has to ride the coattails of her fame and insert himself in her music.

    Literally none of us want to hear his shit tbh, like at all. But I wouldn't go so far as to say he's like harmful towards her or anything.

    He knows she's in a bad spot mentally, abusing alcohol and whatever else, and goes off the rails especially on live which is dangerous career-wise. He's prob just making sure shes not doing anything stupid. He's many times stopped / distracted her on lives when she starts derailing.

  5. when they find out forums are for discussion not just mindless stan praise like twitter:  :hdu:


    Icy is my #2 most played track of all time on Spotify like I think I'm allowed to speak my piece on Kim's music good or bad. The source of my negativity resides in the fact that I want her to do the best she possibly can in the first place. That doesn't suddenly make me a 'hater' or 'troll' I'm just as much of a Kim fan as anyone else and I'll speak my piece.


    That being said its definitely true that a lot of us, myself included, should stop focusing on the negative for now and wait for the album to actually drop and judge the music itself.

  6. 16 hours ago, Loon1e said:

    The amount of hate in Kim's thread on Pop Justice forum is insane like there is no real fan in there except people trying to bring her down and start Slayyyter vs Kim beef like what :sideeye:


    The last thing I would call it is insane, its all pretty logical actually when both photoshoots are looking near identical down to lighting and aesthetics dropping within a few weeks of each other. Luckily Kim's aesthetics for the era are looking to be Purposefully Plastic now while Slayyyter took a grungier approach. 

  7. 6 hours ago, twitter said:

    It’s sampled right before she sings “everytime I make it so outrageous” I think it’s actually a sample of Slayyyter’s COVER of Everytime which is very… meta

    if thats true thats craaaaazy lol. run cathy her check!!

  8. 10 minutes ago, DownhillLullaby said:

    when we getting Holy Water...

    well now were waiting for ayesha to send in her verse that she was writing on live last night.

  9. 6 hours ago, jumpropesparklequeen said:

    I said that Slayyyter gets all her inspiration from Charli on Twitter the other day and she unfollowed me oops… I didn’t think she would ever see it hahaha


    okay now explain that...

  10. Yall really missing the point extremely huh.


    Nobody in here said “making hypersexual music / videos / art / etc. is bad and tasteless”


    We said when Kim tries to do this, she does it distastefully. Especially compared to her peers.


    Her attempt at this sucks. Its generic and boring. Its too forced and tryhard. And again unlike her peers when she does it, she doesnt bring anything different or unique or exciting to the music. Its just a more generic watered down version of other artists hypersexual music.


    When Slayyyter released Throatzilla I didnt bat an eye. The production is unique and just downright killer, the lyrics and wordplay are clever. Slutpop is what happens when you tell a middle schooler who just learned about porn and cusswords to make an album about sex.

  11. I really really hope it carries through and Ayesha is able to get on the song.

    Not sure if I'd want it to be the official track or a remix afterwards.

  12. As someone who was a diehard Kim fan up until Slutpop 1 released... I just dont understand the thought behind doing it again.

    Its definitely the weakest of all of her bodies of work let alone just lacking in any artistic depth or quality. There are so many artists making "erotic pop" music actually bringing something to the table while this is just.......... well, it exists.


    Like, what really is the benefit for releasing this? Just more controversy and shock value? It feels like since slutpop, unholy, jesus is a rockstar, feed the beast shes really trying to get a lil nas x moment to get headlines and propel her forward but at what cost to the music quality?


    After Feed the Beast I thought she'd kind of be given more reigns over her music / aesthetic direction. I guess I dont know why, but in Era 1 and Clarity, and TOTL, I saw Kim as being an artist that had a bit of a cool edge charisma to her. But it really seems like all she has to offer is "slutpop", "coconuts", and "slutpop miami".... from someone who just doesnt genuinely give off this type of energy in interviews.


    I think thats what really gets to me too with these slutpop records is its just so clear that this is kim trying to put on a characterization that she isn't exactly pulling off like Ayesha or Slayyyter do. At her core Kim is a goofy, quirky, socially awkward pop culture nerd and she isn't really fooling anyone pretending shes a regina george sex goddess. She's just trying way, way too hard.

  13. 3 hours ago, Mariahspoolboy said:


    If she can afford THAT can she refund me for my vinyl I'm never gonna get?

    After she refunds the 3 I ordered lmao.

  14. I'm so glad she replied to somebody on tiktok about the sample cost with "I can afford to pay it I just don't want to" lmao!!


    Like its just very obvious that the sample songs trend is becoming tired and its consuming any song release that has a sample now and it just needs to be laid to rest. Her original songs without a sample are leagues better than that song to even begin with. I definitely dont understand the hype around that song. Like to me its just... a good catchy pop track its not something extraordinary that we need to pay a huge sample fee and it become some type of fandom meme like Charli's Taxi or something...

  15. I'm loving these warm pink era visuals.

    Shes proven herself so good at the creative direction side I wonder how the album cover will compare to starfucker.

    Its going to be really hard to top the visual fidelity of that cover tbh. With her stating the music is going to be "the complete opposite" of her recent "polished pop record"... I can imagine everything about this era music and visuals being very dirty and DIY looking. I just hope it doesn't lean on the side of selfie-ish looking. The no comma snippet video already seems to have a good sense of capturing that DIY look but it is obviously artfully planned at the same time.

  16. Holy shittttt the production is INSANEEEEE


    That bitch is my daughter!




    I neeeeeed to know what shes saying that is bleeped out with the American Idol logo when she flips off the camera. Is it someone's name?? Like why else would it be bleeped?!

  17. 19 minutes ago, cinnamon teeth said:

    has anyone been able to get in contact with her merch company? their email doesn't work anymore and i don't think the contact form on their site does either. usually i wouldn't put the responsibility for this kind of thing on the artist but scp certainly don't seem like they're going to say anything (in a timely manner at least) :eek2: cathy save us


    they already announced bankruptcy i got a letter in the mail about the case. theres no way to contact anyone they will not respond regardless. we very likely never getting refunds. and its technically not her fault, but she def should say something. 


    i tried to file a dispute with paypal and they denied me because it was later than 180 since i placed the order. so im fucked over $130 i guess.

  18. Saw this on twitter and was gagged! Seems like the stans are really noticing the similarities in kim's recent photos to slayyyter's. The teeth pic made me jump! Its so obviously similar!

    I wonder if this is recently why they had a falling out bc slayyyter knew kim was doing a 'miami' rollout right at the same time??



  19. 1 hour ago, 320kbps said:

    i'm sORRY? what song did she post on TikTok saying it was leaked already bc i haven't heard it

    Love to Make. But it has never been leaked in full. Funny though, the clip she posted in the tiktok and the snippet that leaked are different parts of the song so we kinda got an extended clip if someone manages to Frankenstein the clips together lol.

  20. 27 minutes ago, KeybladeMeister said:

    So her merch store / company has filed for bankruptcy and she's said nothing about it. Lowkey pissed as I understand it's a fucking mess to deal with but at least give the fans who have put money towards supporting you something girl 


    She really does need to say something because like what are we even supposed to do? Is she just legally not allowed to say anything?

    Am I supposed to file a dispute with my card or no? I had a $100+ order from her shop... like girl... I get you cant just immediately refund everyone or something but at least say something.


    And whats worse is its not possible to get the vinyls / cd / shirt I bought now so I just miss out on my favorite artists new album and merch :/ I'd rather have what I bought than my money back!!

  21. 54 minutes ago, blameitonme said:

    she’s doing the exact same thing as last time. closing an era by jumping straight into the next one :noparty: like tour isn't even over and she’s already talking about new music, studio teases and a new style…girl be calm


    remember when she teased i love hollywood in january 2022 :crossed:


    Well? What else can she even do? Label clearly didn't fund the starfucker release as much as they should. Deluxe came out. Tour is over in like 15 days. These songs were worked on a long time ago and most leaked long before the album released.

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