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Everything posted by Honeymoonwitch

  1. So if tough is a quavo song why would Lana sell the 7in vinyl on her website? Assuming that vinyl is for tough of course
  2. This has to be a doin time situation where she decided to add tough to the album after she was finished.. maybe ?
  3. The mystery is in the Polaroids… like why is quavo using Lana’s latest aesthetic for lasso ? Is he going vintage country too ? Like I’m 90 percent sure it’s his song but that 10 percent is still in the back of my mind.
  4. He’s the focal point of the picture definitely his song and not Lana’s.
  6. Wait I’m confused cause didn’t the insider that originally leaked the song title and lyrics said it was for lasso ????
  7. I hope you’re wrong I need this song on lasso. Cause if it’s not for lasso that means the album isn’t coming 😭
  8. June gloom is what I was waiting for
  9. Well apparently but Ben is kinda fruity if you ask me
  10. let’s remember what Ed told me once….. I think I asked him why the album kept getting pushed I think it was for NFR. Lana really does have the final say probably.
  11. I thought an insider said something or Ben posted something 😭 stop making this thread hot when there’s nothing new 😭
  12. Once again how do you post pictures on here 😒
  13. I just don’t understand why they are taking so long… the video is clearly ready to go so just hurry up and release it.
  14. And we find out quavo is a LB member then what ? People who do coding check Lana’s website PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
  15. Unfortunately yes but that particular account is 50/50 right or wrong on most things they say.
  16. There’s a rumor going around that she’s collabing with a female pop artist. People are saying it’s either Olivia or Katy 💀 I guess one of those twitter “insider” accounts said it.
  17. Did anyone else get a text message from jumpropequeen to add to contacts. Usually I just get emails not texts. Is a tour coming 😭
  18. I feel like the song might be coming next week. After all yesterday everyone decided to release something.
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