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Black to Blue

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Everything posted by Black to Blue

  1. I was considering maybe watching the Super Bowl but if Lana is going to be there with Taylor I’ll definitely be watching to try and catch a glimpse
  2. Looks like Jen is also dressed up for tonight in all black. Maybe they’re having a Super Bowl party where they’re all dressing up?
  3. When he releases Won Me Over then what?
  4. She looks so goooood I can’t get over the G-Eazy audio LOOOL
  5. I saw a TikTok that said that a song called Waist Deep in Icy Waves was 100% confirmed to be on the record so idk
  6. Rick always commenting on Lana’s instagram posts worked!
  7. I want a song with a fast paced fiddle in it. Something I can STOMP to in some cowboy boots
  8. I’m guessing it’s gonna be a spoken word Judah Smith-style poetry monologue over a beat or an auto tuned SoundCloud rapper song. Whatever it is I’m here for it
  9. She’s saying “okay this happened but let’s focus on Coachella” while giving us laughs probably the best way to go about it
  10. Summertime Sadness Remix????? Whaaaaat. She really contains multitudes
  11. Oh Lana really said don’t try to f—k with me
  12. Lana posted on her story promoting Charlie’s new song
  13. I definitely want the album to come much sooner than expected but I’ll be satisfied this summer since I’ll be able to watch her live festival performances in the meantime
  14. I want an album trailer where it’s her riding a wild horse in a field while a monologue about being free and staying true to your roots plays
  15. Stream and be grateful that she’s continuously releasing masterpieces
  16. I’d be fine with 2-3 cover songs on the album honestly. I think it would be gorgeous to see her pay homage to a few country classics among her new songs.
  17. Interesting if true because the album would likely not be in the Grammy elligibility period for next year’s awards (as if that matters now )
  18. It’s just an easy argument that attorneys like to throw in so something can meet the elements of an intentional infliction of emotional distress
  19. Does anyone know how Grammy voting works exactly? I was thinking about this earlier: I’m a really big fan of reggae music but it’s not a genre that a lot of people are familiar with. Time and time again we see that if the Marleys are nominated for Best Reggae Album nine times out of ten they win even if they’re undeserving. (Ziggy Marley’s wife is also on some board for the Academy so it’s likely to do with that too lol) Do these voters actually listen to the nominations in every category or do they just see “oh I like so and so” or “oh I recognize that name I’m gonna vote for them”? I believe that for certain niche categories it should be primarily voted on by peers in that genre. E.g. people in the alternative music space voting for people in the alt categories. And for main awards it should be a general vote that everyone participates in. Like I said I’m not sure if this is how it works but I think a system like this would avoid the “Oh such and such artist was really popular this year I’m gonna vote for them” scenario.
  20. I think there’s a chance that if she were to drop an unreleased album one of her pop songs from 2010-2012 could go super viral and maybe win Best Pop Solo Performance at the Grammys. I wouldn’t want that to happen necessarily because it would kind of be a kick in the face to the evolution of her music and demonstrate that the Grammys only cares about “pop bops” over complex think pieces. I’d much rather her at least win Best Alternative Album or especially Album of the Year at the Grammys in the future. I truly thought that with this album she would win her first Grammy because everything was so out of the box and free but I have no doubt in my mind she will continue to make Grammy nominated music in the future.
  21. I really hope Lana uses this moment as fuel to further her dreams and goals this year. As she said in Dallas in 2023, "Never forget to let passion be your true North Star." Regardless of what has happened I hope this is at the forefront of her mind and I'm so excited to hear her new passion project Lasso among anything else she has planned for this year.
  22. While she didn’t win a Grammy, can we just acknowledge how amazing it is that a song like A&W got nominated? The rawness in the first half juxtaposed by the trap beats at the end is just groundbreaking. It really ushered in a new way of song creation in 2023. It should’ve won at least one award but something as fresh and nuanced being nominated makes me so happy
  23. I hope that if she goes to an afterparty tonight she’s able to let loose and burn off some steam maybe hang out with Quavo some more. Idk. Anything that will make her happy at this point. I’m sending a lot of love to Lana energetically <3
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