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Everything posted by marcodelrey

  1. Anyway, we need to do a Cherry music video with some AI and show it to her
  2. Wondering what Nikki, Chuck, the survivor back dancer and Charlie are gonna wear
  3. They just made a bundle on the UK store and my heart gasped thinking it was the boxset or some signed stuff but as always I'm being delulu
  4. Is this another cheap fan made pressing sold for €120? 🤭
  5. She's so random, she posted the live in a post
  6. Amazon UK just charged me for the pink one so is gonna be shipped in the next 3 weeks I think
  7. Everything soldout 💀 https://lana-del-rey-village.myshopify.com/?fbclid=IwAR1onr8B7Ak5AGip7w3w0NuUSXqH-NhWzO8lSgC5yzHGinThkbFFDF485LE
  8. The fact I'm not gonna have anything from Lana on release day: Merch (lighter, pill case, whistler+ cd e cassette bundle, racing jacket) - shipped to UK to avoid fees White LP - UK to avoid fees Green Assai Records - to UK cuz I think it was uk exclusive Green UO - shipped here cuz I had a code but delayed to April Picture disc - UK Pink LP - here but from Amazon UK so knowing italian postage is gonna take at least 374 days Rose Pink (Red) - here but Fnac is gonna ship it when they want cuz they're french and they hate me + they always pack my stuff wrong and ruin it
  9. Urban Outfitters just sent me an e-mail that due to 'high' demands of the green vinyl, is not gonna ship before april 😍😍😍😍
  10. Go check the last 2 pics of her latest IG post. IMO the box-set is still happening
  11. Hi daddy/mommy 💋💋💋💋 I think u have a new friend 💅 Leave the child with me and go, I'll take care of him/her/them(?) (i just need to bring it outside and give cat food right?)
  12. I'm from Italy and I live in Italy so for the people in California or US in general: even if it's 24h walking, I'LL DO IT ANYWAY IF I WAS YOU SO MOVE UR A$$ AND GO CUZ SOME OF US CAN'T 🥲
  13. So let me get this right: was the global streaming stuff (obvsly not available in my country) the surprise?
  14. Right, I also miss the Heart shaped and Clear violet but 1. I always disliked the LFL one even if I had the chance in 2018 to buy it retail 2. The clear one has the same barcode of the white one so I guess it's fine (like the LFL coke clear bottle ones)
  15. If you try to put a Lana song on some IG story, there is only 5-6 songs, and YTH is one of those 💀
  16. If it is, I'm only gonna miss 3 things in order to complete the whole collection: Blue Jeans 12 PD, BtD Rsd PD and the Singles boxset
  17. Sometimes I think even for a minute that the surprise is gonna be another 'featuring' with that Karen Sw1ft and I find myself scared and screaming
  18. Well that's because BB is a personal and fragile album for her and only a few can understand what's behind it and that's why I love it so much 💋
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