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Nectar Of The Puss

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Everything posted by Nectar Of The Puss

  1. If her country music style is like this I’m 100% here for it but also it would be nice to have a blue banisters ‘the trio’ bit
  2. What the fuck is this is it a cover is it a new song what the fuck I NEED JT NOW
  3. Ariana especially with all her controversy rn for Beyoncé it was just like a coming out of retirement thing like all artists do but with the “why do you care whose dick I ride” is too good but I may be biased because I don’t like Beyoncé Also where can I get the 7 inch and vinyl in Australia I NEED it
  4. The music video feels more like a dance video BUT I’m hoping with ag7 coming Fortnite brings back her skin because I NEED it
  5. Everyone’s gonna switch up after the music video
  6. Does anyone know anywhere I can get the vinyl shipped to Australia like an online store in America that ships world wide I tried spin me around records and vertigo vinyl but they do t have jt
  7. Idk why y’all are hating on it like it’s definitely nowhere near her best but it’s a generic pop hit
  8. Sounds like what I imagine Madonna or Kylie monologue would sound like
  9. I need this next album so badly I’m hoping red is the theme because that Eilish no.3 promo was amazing Also for Americans is Eilish no.3 at ulta now?
  10. I only liked the first part of the ozempic joke because I hate Oprah
  11. These hosts are terrible and I get Taylor only has 1 nomination but why is she all the way up the back she is THE person of the year and that bald man at the start said Oppenheimer and barbie would be competing not even acknowledging Taylor who’s a close competitor
  12. Criminal that they put her on that tiny ass screen to interview some whack ass actors then give Leonardo decaprio sormomr who hadn’t been relevant since titanic a big screen
  13. I’m pretty sure it has something to do with the gun legislations. In Australia before our gun legislations came into place we had a fair bit of mass shootings but as soon as we brought proper gun legislations into place it went down very quickly. The only people that should need a gun are high level police officers and farmers, otherwise you don’t need guns in your local Walmart. When I went to a Walmart and saw an actual gun I got the biggest culture shock of my life. I don’t think most Americans see how crazy it really is.
  14. I condone it 100% we need to put down these old white man babies. I think about this a lot it’s kinda weird. Obviously I would never do it because it’s a crime and it’s bad but if I was psychotic there would be nothing stopping me from doing it “I am fucking crazy but I am free” type vibes like imagine the impact that would make on the planet. I’m surprised Greta or any of her climate activist friends haven’t done it also another positive would be more political murders = proper gun legislations = less dying innocent children
  15. My biggest problem with the world is why can’t we just vote to kill people off like roblox survivor. Like who the fuck is letting people like Putin, trump and Kim John hoon (idk how to spell his name) walk on this earth let alone have POWER. Trump shouldn’t be able to even run for president again and he’s also really old and whatever that world government is called should vote him out to be killed because the cunt doesn’t even believe in climate change. This is from an Australians perspective and to me (most) Americans are actually fucking crazy most of them just don’t notice it. Also the death penalty should only apply to the corrupt rich.
  16. Does anyone know if lover is starting to be pressed as standard black now? I have a second coloured lover vinyl that I didn’t mean to buy coming and I’m not sure if I should keep it or not
  17. I will believe in any theory until they start adding the numbers 5 holes in the fence is enough. But that doesn’t include dates REP TV ANNOUNCEMENT NEW YEARS DAY
  18. Lana will always be my number 1 but Taylor is getting really close it’s just so much easier and more fun to be a swiftie with all the releases and stuff that Taylor’s doing. I’ve been a swiftie my whole life and have only been a Lana fan for the past few years but I feel guilty for liking Taylor more which is crazy because of Stan culture and I’ll always like Lana’s music more but with my eras shows coming up I barely listen to Lana anymore it’s like what I think a gay crisis would be
  19. A blue banisters type collab with Noah Kahan would be Grammy worthy. Preferably a Noah song with Lana featured would be great but I couldn’t see her having a verse in my mind more of backing vocals with maybe a quick verse snow on the beach type of vibe.
  20. Splendour is so irrelevant now it’s for old people mainly the most appropriate would be laneway which already announced their terrible lineup
  21. Why is she so obsessed with Europe and South America like Australia hasn’t had a show for almost 7 years she would sell out so fast here it’s crazy
  22. So does that mean the merch isn’t official? I ain’t paying $150 for an unofficial hoodie. Unofficial merch has always put me off it just feels tacky even if it’s a luxury item.
  23. Midnights is pretty much a breakup album I would say they were just keeping it really private because I don’t think they were seen together a lot around midnights but they never really were even before.
  24. Does anyone have a kraken files link for beautiful eyes?
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