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Nectar Of The Puss

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Everything posted by Nectar Of The Puss

  1. So ready to hear all of your opinions on close to you, but also not ready for the influx of Gracie fans that is inevitable but bitter sweet. I’ve already heard it from the vinyls but I cannot wait to stream it and have its PERFECT production blasting all year
  2. I need close to you biblically rn. Thank the heavens that she’s releasing it I can’t wait any longer
  3. I’m fucking shaking rn. It’s been an hour and I’m still crying over it. Australia dates aren’t event out yet I’m gonna die. I was in the shower crying over the possibility of Gracie being in London the same time as me if she plays with Taylor on London night 1 when I’m night 2 then I get out of the fucking shower and I FELL ATO THE FLOOR I don’t even care if it’s dramatic my body is actually giving out on me I feel paralysed by this We need more Gracie fans on lanaboards
  4. Close to you goes so hard the production is so good WE NEED IT ON STRESMINF RN THO Kinda unrelated but me and my friend both found Gracie and the same time for the same reason (the eras tour) and back then we were on the same level of fans we went to her concert together and everything. But now I’m REALLY starting to get into Gracie’s music like she’s probably been my favourite artist for a bit now and like yeah my friends also quite a big fan but I feel like there’s things that set us apart. I definitely don’t want this to be a competition because it’s fun having someone like that share an artist with you but she makes it my problem so often by just not knowing basic things about Gracie’s music (she didn’t know pad Thai until a year ago). To me I feel less of a fan in her eyes which really pisses me off because she tries to be a big fan of these types of things but it’s just not her AT ALL. When we got tickets to Gracie we only just started getting into her music and I wanted to go first but didn’t know who to go with so I asked her if she wanted to go then she said yes but wasn’t really excited about it. Then on the day of getting tickets I was the one trying to get them and I thought I wasn’t gonna get them so I told her I didn’t and she said she didn’t really care anyways. Then I got them and she would take ages to pay me back. Then to the concert OMG I’m actual gonna get so pissed about this so she is fairly short but not that short and for our venue at the concert there’s GA floor but also GA balcony on the second floor so it’s all GA. We lined up for I think 10 hours and we got in and we would’ve been maybe 4 metres back and the floor is on a slant so it gives everyone a better view. So now we’re there in the pit just got in so no one’s behind us and she says she NEEDS to go to the balcony because she can’t see (everyone else is her height). I was somewhat alright in that moment with going in the balcony because I also had a surgery a few weeks ago and already shouldn’t be doing that much activity. So now we get up to the stands and she chooses the WORST spot like we could’ve been so close if we were going straight to balcony and I was so clear that we needed a plan before so this wouldn’t happen then it did. Anyhoo now I’m really getting into Gracie’s music like she’s taking over my whole Spotify she doesn’t like that I’m obviously becoming a bigger fan than her now she’s gone from being a basic fan listening to her basic songs not knowing any of the deeper cuts and acting like she’s a top fan. Another problem is I’ll be in London when TSOU comes out so back in AUS they’ll get it so much earlier before us and if she spoils Anything I’m literally blocking her on everything. Also she’s a CD girl and I collect vinyls and we were out and an online store released signed Gracie vinyls and I got one but they didn’t have the cds then so she didn’t and she was so rude about it like she did that I don’t care type thing like be fucking happy for me. A week ago or something I woke up because my intuition goes crazy and signed cds and posters were back in stock so I tell her and we both get them now she’s acting supper happy and joyful which she should be because like it’s a happy moment but for me it was liek off because I’m still Lowkey pissed with her and Gracie situation. At the concert Gracie played in between and cedar which yeah are her favourite songs but she was making it ALL about her PLEASE let me have my moment too because I also love those songs. I was talking to my mum about it on the way back to the car after saying how it was the best night of my life because of what happened then she comes in and cuts me off and starts talking to my mum about it. The thing about her is she was raised in a way where she cries over everything and she tries to act all kind but I know her so well that I can see how she manipulates people but still looking kind. (This is off track) today her brother drove her to school and he didn’t have a last period class so he was going home early so not driving her home so she would have to take the bus and I watched this girl text him begging him to stay and wait for her when she could literally just easily take the bus and saying “I’ve had such a hard day” you were literally telling me how happy you were 5 minutes ago wdym by that. Then her mum texted her about something I’m guessing something bad was happening with her brother and she texted her mum “sorry I didn’t mean to make things worse” like she tries to act so insanely innocent, kind and thoughtful but to me she’s so senseless and jokes about things that I’m obviously uncomfortable with. She literally pushes me aside so easily for anyone else and that makes me feel like actual shit but I put up with it because she’s my only friend.
  5. Someone please shoot him America’s done it once and I’m pretty sure got away with it I really don’t see any issue in doing it again. How are we allowing 77 year old white men be anywhere near government yet a lot PRESIDENT???
  6. Hey guys back to single-handedly carry this thread to remind everyone that the viral sensation “close to you” could be officially released any day now!!!! We will definitely be getting it in full this week with the release of the vinyls, just waiting for it to come on streaming.
  7. Lana’s ballads are infinitely better than her other music
  8. Lord of the flies by some fucking weird man i have to read it for school I’m barely half way through I’m so done. I would love to know why this man is so praised for this he talks about gay pre pubescent boys and talks about steamy shit that has nothing to do with what I’m studying
  9. I need this album so badly imagine how historicity iconic it would be, like Lana travelling around America recording shit with random country people would go SO hard. I feel like it would also be really authentic of where her minds at rn and where it’s going
  10. Why can’t artists have good teams, like Taylor’s team is so fucking annoying with everything they do, but it will NEVER be as bad as Lana’s (we need justice for Australian fans)
  11. If I see one more birds of a feather TikTok I will be going missing and don’t even bother sending a search party
  12. People comparing Billie and Taylor is so annoying, like they’re obviously 2 different artists with different style, fame and fan base. The Taylor fan accounts are going crazy over his Taylor is still number 1. Like Taylor is AMAZING but Billie and finneas are always gonna be on a different level than Taylor in some ways better and some ways not as good 2 artists are rarely ever the same enough to be compared to this point
  13. How could Taylor create cowboy like me and not be a homosexual cowboy????
  14. Ilomilo theory still going strong we can only hope for now
  15. I suggest everyone goes and listen to “right now” RIGHT NOW it is life changing
  16. Why am I single handed it carrying this thread I NEED MORE GRACIE FANS IN HERE anyways I’m extremely scared for thenTSOU comes out especially with “Us(feat Taylor swift)” I’m not ready for the mass influx of fans and it being Gracie’s number 1 song just because of Taylor fans. Also close to you being released is monumental but the locals have been begging for this song. If I don’t get vip tickets for her next tour because some fuck took them instead I’ll riot
  17. I’m sure it’s not Taylor herself but I think it is pretty gross that they somewhat seem to be trying to block Billie and other people from getting number 1. These phone demos and that other cd variant are SO unnecessary she could easily just put them out like she did with the anti hero remixes etc
  18. TTPD could’ve been so much better if Aaron was the main producer. HMHAS is definitely better as an album but TTPD was still great from taylor
  19. Literally tho, every song feels like 2 completely different songs she really could’ve done with cutting them all in half then having transitions through songs and it would be more appealing
  20. This is a very grower album I didn’t like them all the first time because I was so attached to the snippets and pretty much every song switches up to something different than the snippets vibe but like give it a minute guys PLEASE
  21. At first I was Lowkey pissed with the eras tour 2.0 change but since I’ve seen it twice already it feels like a whole new show, I don’t know the order, new visuals, cut songs and even some outfits so I’m so excited. Also do we think the new TTPD eras merch will be in person at the concert?
  22. I cannot go another day without CHIHIRO I am whole heartedly obsessed with both the snippets, I love how they’re both so different but perfect together Billie NEVER misses. If it’s on the hmhas tour set list (whist it probably will be) TRUST I will be barricade
  23. I feel immense post concert depression from tolerate it being cut even though I’ve seen it twice it’s all I’ve been looking forward to but atleast I get to see the smallest man who ever lived
  24. The way I love you, I’m sorry is an actual song there are 4 more song titles left
  25. Everyday I feel a little bit sadder about the fact I can’t go back to Sydney night 1 and witness white horse x Coney Island (one of the best songs ever). The fact that I don’t even have it on video because my storage ran out will forever sadden me more than usual.
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