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Nectar Of The Puss

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Everything posted by Nectar Of The Puss

  1. Yeah she deserves the break so this album coming out is just really awkward timing and they probably should’ve done it at the end of the eras tour to move onto a new era
  2. I’m still so confused on why there’s been no promo. Like where are the late night tv appearances or SNL???
  3. Does anyone have any pictures of the white tank top with the ribbon and ldr on the side?
  4. I relate to risk on a molecular level. It’s so much better in full production
  5. Let’s hope not
  6. If Taylor adds the smallest man who ever lived to the set list I won’t be coming home
  7. I really fuck with this cardigan. I love merch that isn’t noticeably merch so the last merch drop was also banging. I would like it if it had patches but also I wouldn’t wear it then
  8. This isn’t really related but on sotb I can hear Lana throughout the whole song I prefer the original version over the more Lana version honestly
  10. How limited was the record store day card? I’ve seen barely anything about it
  11. I really didn’t like so long London as a track 5 the first time hearing it but now it some of my favourite songs and the best track 5. also where the fuck is the confetti? I just spent $70 on shipping to Australia for confetti. Without confetti it feels so dry opening the packages
  12. Sorry but lana could never sing who’s afraid of little old me. They’re 2 different artists with different vibes but as albums TTPD is ahead personally
  13. The way I’m liking the intro more and more to the point it’s equal with ready for it the whole song is amazing also I love the vibe of fortnight the music video is so insanely good and is everything and more
  14. I think TTPD is so unique and beyond anything anyone could make. Sadly even Lana, jack obviously has favourites.
  15. If she has the same set for a second year we riot (not really because she’s perfect)
  16. I’ll be in the floor this has already been a very overwhelming week
  17. Really thought she was gonna bring out Taylor even after she said pianist.
  18. How I long to be front row screaming Arcadia with lana
  19. I somehow managed to get the record store day note which may be common in Australia but literally no record stores got them except for one in Brisbane that I know of. I feel so very special it will be framed
  20. I’ve only seen tunnel so far but it looks really good far better than last weeks lets manifest Taylor now!!!!! Lasso announcement!!!!! Australia Tour Dates!!!!!
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