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Everything posted by lizzycobain

  1. That's a great point.. thank you for your insight! ♡ I worry too much lol With Lana's insurgence of fans I'm just worried about the chaos and disparity of people who get pushy trying to meet her. *sigh* We need a lanaboards exclusive concert lol
  2. The "ABCDEFU" effect Also why does everything have to be pitched and sped up 😭💀
  3. SO Question for everyone who's been to Lana's concerts in the past: Is it worth being on the floor level (if you're not in the very front) or is it better to have assigned seats? I know Lana's fan base has grown, and I'm worried about being in the pit with people pushing up and trying to get closer. I'm not sure if it's worth paying pit price just to be smooshed and only hear the audience singing around you lol Idk thoughts??
  4. Well. On that note I'm done lolol gn everyone. Sleep well knowing our queen is happy 💗
  5. These technical difficulties wouldn't have happened at the men in music business conference just saying
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