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Everything posted by lizzycobain

  1. I love her little videos like this, it's been such a long time since she's uploaded cute little messages to us more regularly
  2. Pill bottle about to hold all my Xanax and excedrin let's go ooooohhh
  3. Why are so many of the t-shirts designed this way 😭 its so lazy
  4. She's just testing us to see if we'll buy just anything at this point 🙄
  5. Giving us pill holders because she knows we all need a new cocktail
  6. This, and how you're not a "Local" for liking her popular albums. No one is sitting around listening to only sirens bffr 💀
  7. 💀💀 A laugh for us while we wait for the album https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR7re68j/
  8. lizzycobain

    Melanie Martinez

    At this point it feels like the album is just going to be a snippet compilation
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