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Everything posted by Augustine

  1. i am balancing both streams and this thread, my brain is so overwhelmed
  2. it's really crazy to me that it took that many people to make the barbie world song
  3. has anyone notable walked the red carpet yet? i haven't been watching
  4. i'm hearing bohemian and desperado by the eagles just one lana loss so far. we're in the preshow rn
  5. i actually kinda like the preshow because it's generally not a popularity contest. no one really knows half of these people so it's actually about talent. it's quite nice
  6. good for her!! now leave soty alone
  7. idk this is the woman who didn't know you had to submit your work for the grammys until this year. i don't think she knows there is a preshow y'all
  8. i can't recall a time ever watching a grammy preshow i do think i remember sweetener winning a grammy in a preshow and ariana wasn't there.. idk how much people actually show up. hope she's there tho!
  9. grammys usually end 3 and a half hours after the start time and AOTY is one of the last categories to be announced. i don't have an exact estimate but anytime around 3 am for you would probably be my best guess
  10. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    i agree with you except that i think debut being the finale would be the cutest full circle moment can't say i would be mad if they dropped at the same time (although not likely) because i don't think anyone anticipated the re-recordings project to be dragged on this long
  11. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

  12. we can cut some of the performances to make room for her categories. calling the academy
  13. thank you to that one interview for reminding her that she loves vivienne westwood
  14. there's yellow post-its at each table (as seen in the video), it looks like it's only there to help staff. i don't think there's any significance on who has one
  15. there's no way they'd sit her that close to the stage just to pass her up on all her nominations. elizabeth grant is winning her first grammy tomorrow
  16. i just realized what this fit was reminding me of! serving lust for life trailer
  17. you'd think taylor was radioactive the way some people on instagram are reacting to the seating chart it's okay not to like a person or their art but jesus. it's just a seat, and a good one close to the stage at that
  18. now take that with a grain of salt. we know how she is with her release dates
  19. are electric guitars known to be in at least some country music? that's all i ask. that's all i want lana has always been a country girl at heart so i am not surprised
  20. everytime i think of lana and tik tok i remember that awful "everybody knows that i'm a good girl officer" trend pls no more
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