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Everything posted by Augustine

  1. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    i always thought bejeweled fit the joe situation way too well
  2. do y'all have any good streaming apps that can record directly from your phone screen? i was gonna try to stream via youtube or insta but the app i was using won't record my screen anymore
  3. mostly he did covers but i think santa bring my baby back and mama liked the roses are originals
  4. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    whelp. better luck next time
  5. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    "for the re- eras tour"
  6. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    yess thank you mer
  7. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    i'm not sure, trying to find out my timezone rn. i'll try to get back to you if i find it Karyn!
  8. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    okay. normally i don't jump on the theory trains because they're usually bullshit, but i just saw a full list of reasons why rep tv might be announced tonight.. and it was kinda making sense. not getting my hopes too high but i will be tuned in tonight
  9. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    she played safe and sound my little hunger games heart is thriving
  10. oh i really cannot stand the weeknd's voice his higher pitch is really whiney sounding also cigarettes after sex. love their instrumentals but do not like the lead's vocal style
  11. Augustine

    Melanie Martinez

    yeah this thread could use a little positivity. evil is one of my favorite songs from her and was on repeat for like a whole week when the album dropped
  12. oo i love this idea mine is SW-3020-9840-8341 i'm not on much but i'd love to make some switch friends
  13. same here so funny how they create the label and send out shipping emails to get money out of pending status but take ages to actually ship it
  14. why'd i think they was giving her a second chance when this thread came up SNUBBED
  15. omg you're from ohio too? i'm so sad she didn't come here on her last little tour, it would've fit right in
  16. idc what y'all say about the nikki lane yee haw shot, i love this look so much
  17. the back and forths on the site lately have been crazy
  18. my neighborhood looks like that and i live in the US. we really are not much more advanced or fancy
  19. i already shared my feelings in the ts thread but i feel there's something being largely left out of this narrative: it is easy for us to sit back and judge the aftermath. it is easy to pick apart the situation once we have all of the details. i absolutely feel that accountability needs to be taken on all sides, but please stop acting like it was anyone's intentions for a person to die. artists have to jump through hoops to postpone or cancel a show, especially when in stadiums. there are contracts to be taken into consideration. the stadium and taylor's team probably thought it would be a tough day that they'd just have to power through, and we see now that was not the case. i am still shocked about the loss of ana, and i hope this ensures new measures will be taken to protect fans at concerts in the future (FREE WATER!!!!!) and of course temperature regulations. i'm not trying to make excuses, just including perspective on why some decisions weren't made in time.
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