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Everything posted by Augustine

  1. was 3 days from my 9th birthday edit: oops, that was meant to be under the one above elle's. i have no clue what i was doing in 2013, probably having the time of my life
  2. ariana is just not a writer, through and through. but it's okay because she makes up for it with her incredible voice. her lyrics are very weak, and it's weird how she seems to brag about her writing in 7 rings
  3. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    i want the blanket so much but i don't have $74 to drop i hate being poor
  4. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    the fearless vault is seriously underloved. don't you is one of her saddest songs and i never hear anyone talking about it
  5. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    it may be because i'm not much into internet gossip or maybe because the world is incredibly bored right now, but i don't think i have ever seen everyone go this crazy over a relationship before taylor world domination
  6. i can't remember whether the old california was recorded for ultraviolence or honeymoon, but i honestly would've LOVED that on ultraviolence. it would really fit with the deluxe tracks
  7. we'll never have sex by leith ross. it's one of the most romantic songs i've ever heard, and it really speaks to me because it's all i've ever wanted in a relationship
  8. Augustine

    Doja Cat

    the more i listen the new tracks the more i'm confused as to why she thought this was a new, superior sound to her older albums. i love attention but it sounds like it could've been plucked right off hot pink
  9. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    of course excited to hear slut but i have a feeling i'm really gonna like suburban legends. title is giving me new romantics vibes
  10. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    just woke up to 25 million swifties really are insane
  11. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    yes and nicki tweeted at taylor before then mentioning sagittarius not really in support of her as a person but can't say nicki's songs don't slap
  12. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    the theories of nicki being on a vault track may be right because one of the vault puzzles spelt out sagittarius very conflicted about this information
  13. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    the google thing never worked for me
  14. since the last one was a song i suppose this one could be too ready for it...? by taylor swift?
  15. help why did my mind say club soda
  16. lacy really hits for the ugly folks of the world (me)
  17. I should rephrase - not out of place. Just really fucking weird
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