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Everything posted by Augustine

  1. do you guys think this could actually be the time lana takes home aoty i know she has some big competition and it might be wishful thinking but i like to be delusional
  2. Augustine

    Melanie Martinez

    gonna sing the chorus of evil to my cats
  3. although the lyric imagery doesn't match it at all, i picture a beautiful forest that sings with life when i listen to this song. the piano is just so gorgeous
  4. has anyone gotten a delay email for the lighters yet? mine hasn't shipped and i haven't gotten any email. afraid they're gonna cancel my order
  5. there's an explanation on genius that makes a lot of sense: "Lana almost drowned while going swimming, until her neighbors came and saved her. Seemingly revealing that this was a suicide attempt. Her Uncle Dave’s obituary mentioned his connection to Rhode Island and fishing. To “swim with the fish” is a common phrase that means to die."
  6. idk if it's cuz the pre-release thread overhyped them for me but peppers and taco truck havent clicked kintsugi made me cry tho
  7. the way i won't get to hear anything tonight because i have to get up at 5 am tomorrow for work
  8. i caved and listened to some of the snippets from the listening events. i am so ready for fishtail and candy necklace
  9. Augustine

    Melanie Martinez

    that looks so uncomfortable to perform in omg
  10. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    i saw all the girls and thought this was a joke IT'S REALLL
  11. the fact that this is all because of one user has me screaming
  12. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    what songs are you guys hoping she performs? i really hope we get a lot from the folk/more eras but that probably won't happen 🥲
  13. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    i got ones for the cincinnati show after waiting 7 hours in the queue
  14. Augustine

    Melanie Martinez

    this sounds like a song you'd hear from an ice cream truck...
  15. Augustine

    The Greatest

    half of LB right now
  16. Augustine

    Melanie Martinez

    didn't she just move too? give her a break
  17. Augustine

    Melanie Martinez

    i know i'm late but that new snippet is the best yet
  18. listen, i get elton john headlining and maybe guns & roses but arctic monkeys at the top of the list? there's a theme going on here and i don't like it
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