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Everything posted by Augustine

  1. the way i'm gonna be use the lighter to light candles and not for it's actual purpose cuz i'm not bold enough for that
  2. Augustine

    Melanie Martinez

    just gonna leave this here for anyone willing to actually look into the situation and not just point fingers:
  3. no really like i'll go pick it up myself if it's this much??
  4. this is the first time i've ordered off of lana's site and i never hear good things about her merch/shipping team so i'm kinda scared
  5. Augustine

    Melanie Martinez

    that's what gets me! it's never out of concern for the victim, it's always the people who just don't like melanie. literally that person's comment prior to this discussion was how melanie copies bjork or some shit
  6. Augustine

    Melanie Martinez

    exactly. i'm not proud to say i believed timothy at first but i did. and to watch how it unfolded, how timothy's closest friends left her, how much much she was thriving off of melanie's downfall. they really just had to be there to understand.
  7. Augustine

    Melanie Martinez

    melanie ily girl but what is this
  8. Augustine

    Melanie Martinez

    no fr if i see one more gross ass mutant baby or eyeball
  9. in the past have signed cds been announced before or after the album release date?
  10. lana is the god of picking just the right track to set the mood for her albums, so i'm wondering which album you guys think has the best opener? cannot decide between ultraviolence, honeymoon and norman fucking rockwell also apologize if this has already been made, still learning my way around this website
  11. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    omgg same it's the only thing keeping me going. going to cinci 6/30 literally cannot wait
  12. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    anyone here going to the eras tour?
  13. Augustine

    Melanie Martinez

    highly recommend field trip and test me off her newest ep
  14. hi there, i know it's been a year since you posted but have you tried searching/reaching out to @ /lanadelreysclosets on instagram? edit: found it! https://www.instagram.com/p/CW4A86lJsu1/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D
  15. finished the witch a couple days ago, highly recommend!
  16. what song are you guys most excited to hear? i really wanna know what kinda sound inspires a title like grandfather please stand on the shoulders of my father while he's deep-sea fishing
  17. oh that's so cool! i just joined lanaboards so i wasn't sure if she was already a topic here
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