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Everything posted by Augustine

  1. i've been watching this thread the past few weeks just to keep myself up to date. the pictures and videos are haunting. i'm reminded to not only be grateful that my country is not at war but to also speak up for those who are. it's incredibly depressing to know that some of the world's biggest superpowers are supporting this genocide and there's little to nothing we can do. thank you to everyone to has taken part in making this thread of source of education and a beacon of awareness.
  2. if she could drop unidentified flying bill with no tweaks then i could die happy. i'm also really hoping for a final version of lake placid someday or release her chelsea hotel no. 2 cover on spotify FINALLY
  3. i knew her ass was not in that movie and i still checked
  4. Augustine

    Melanie Martinez

    i think about this a lot. her writing was so much better when it was just her and her guitar. there are some lines in the new album that are well written, but it's really nothing compared to her earlier work. it's very strange
  5. i hate that she didn't work something out but i understand. i guess the whole priscilla vibe/look doesn't really fit her aesthetic or writing style anymore, maybe she wants to move on. it could also be because there was some controversy surrounding the script and the presleys and she didn't wanna get involved. it was a loss but at least the film looks good
  6. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    she is now #1 on spotify
  7. Augustine

    Melanie Martinez

    what i'm saying. where did all the debut money go and let's not forget the NFT incident
  8. Augustine

    Melanie Martinez

    oh i'm sorry but i have had enough of the pink monster thing
  9. Augustine

    Melanie Martinez

    new perfumes? yesss she is good at making them. i still have a full bottle of the one from years ago
  10. hey, we broke free a little with the last album. i have hope
  11. oh nooo rest in peace. friends is still one of my biggest comfort shows and chandler was my favorite tied with phoebe
  12. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    i definitely agree that taylor had written the vault tracks from the eras she's tagging them to, but jack seems to sometimes have trouble producing the general sound from that era and that's why they end up sounding so modern a lot of the tracks from the fearless vault do not give fearless at all but are still beautiful nonetheless
  13. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    ain't that the way it always goes
  14. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    just here to give a huge middle finger to the gaylors on twitter right now accusing her of queer baiting and gaslighting because she said she was oversexualized for having close female friends. these people will never not be disgusting to me
  15. Augustine

    Melanie Martinez

    i haven't listened to portals much since release, but i revisited nymphology today and "i'll throw you in the ring, gift you with my suffering" is such a bar oh my
  16. i'm gonna go ahead and redact my comment because i now see the situation isn't just black and white anymore. i'm starting to see why it wasn't just about choosing sides.
  17. I Believe In Unicorns. It's more of a high budget art project than a film, but the main character's story reminds me so much of Lizzy and early Lana music.
  18. pretty sure it was werewolves, or at least women strongly bonded with nature. the fangs were supposed to be wolf fangs
  19. happy birthday to the most controversial album lana has i really have to be in a certain mood to appreciate this album, but when i am, it's beautiful
  20. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    get em'. they hate to see her winning sza is one of my favorite artists, i will be stoked for her if she gets the #1. both of them a talented and deserve their success
  21. does he really think someone is gonna lose their job over talking shit about him on reddit? i do agree the the hate train has become a little much considering lana doesn't seem to mind his behavior, but i really hope he takes this backlash as a sign to stop being obnoxious to other fans.
  22. i definitely feel like this year's grammy's is gonna be way more exciting than past years. so many amazing albums came out, tons of new artists, and possible lana cameo? uhg i can't wait not to mention the curveballs that got thrown last year with some of the categories. gives me hope
  23. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    i already want to go back. the movie is fucking insane, and she wore the exact same outfits she wore for my show in june (except for speak now's dress) but..
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