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love divine

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Everything posted by love divine

  1. i haven't listened to that song much, are the strings a new addition to the instrumental? really added an emotional layer to the song
  2. girl she would get it with or without standing, she's taylor fucking swift
  3. taylor being the beacon for lana in the crowd is amazing
  4. no way i just watched that whole red carpet stream for her ass to still be in the make up chair
  5. haven't seen her yet either, that would be fun! the pictures would be amazing
  6. i'm done with fashionably late, can she just show up so i can tun off this annoying livestream
  7. maybe this is why it's raining so hard, even the sky is sad
  8. how am i on two red carpet streams and still not see glasses boy
  9. i am balancing both streams and this thread, my brain is so overwhelmed
  10. it's really crazy to me that it took that many people to make the barbie world song
  11. has anyone notable walked the red carpet yet? i haven't been watching
  12. i'm hearing bohemian and desperado by the eagles just one lana loss so far. we're in the preshow rn
  13. i actually kinda like the preshow because it's generally not a popularity contest. no one really knows half of these people so it's actually about talent. it's quite nice
  14. good for her!! now leave soty alone
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